Ha ha, yes I did didn't I?
I don't think I'm trying to make the point that the average JW is 'evil' (and I think that we could endlessly discuss just what exactly does 'evil' mean as well). I know that the vast majority of JWs do not feel mallous or evil intent to their fellow man, even non-JWs. They even convince themsleves that they are in fact doing the most good that they can for mankind. But that leads us back to the debate of Hitler and his army - I can assure you that there were many that felt they were doing 'good' for their country. An extreme example I know, and JWs are not performing ethnic cleansing, etc. But the same end is involved - that is that blindly following your leaders around doesn't neccessarly absolve you from the 'blame' to be assigned for the outcome. Just because a JW feels he's doing the right thing by DF'ing sister weak for her fornication, or brother weak for his smoking (or whatever), or the parents for shunning their children for failing to live up to the JW standard, doesn't make the 'evil' outcomes any easier to bear for the victims.