I'm not arguing the intent of some JWs who get all excited about this and feel they now have 'good talking points' at the doors. But anyone who continues to kid themselves about the purpose of JWs knocking on doors ... well they need to get in touch with reality. Yes they feel they want to 'share their hope with one who are confused' but the PURPOSE is recrutement. Plain and simple. Same as the Hari Krishnas at the airports. They're not there for their health! They want people to join. It's just a club propigating itself.
Yes, my beef is with those in control of the group, and no I don't want to 'shoot the messenger' - I know/knew many kindhearted JWs. But I find it so very sad that even in the face of what happened so many turn to selfish thoughts and give so little/no consideration to those touched by what happened. It's sad that good poeple have been turned into little magazine salesmen zombies.
Oh, you mean THIS good news ITguy? ...