I think you do, because I still don't know what god's 'will' is. And it can't be YOU'RE belief of what god's will is, since you don't speak for god. All I'm asking for is a little devine intervention here - is that so hard? Why does god have to make it so hard for man to know what's right???
JoinedPosts by NameWithheld
Turn back on God because of WTS or JW's??
by IWish4Truth inin my opinion, it's one thing to not agree with organizations that impose certain rules upon it's members, but it's quite another to turn one's back on god himself because of disagreements.
is there not still some higher power out there who has the best interest of humans at heart?
how can it be denied, especially in these terrible times, that something or someone is gonna have to step in and take over and end this havoc.
Why can some question and others not
by joelbear inwe are not jehovah's witnesses because of a variety of circumstances, but one thing we all share is that we question.. what factors come together to make us questioners?.
but i know a lot of very smart non-questioning jehovah's witnesses.. bravery?
Hey YoYoHead. A LOT of us overlooked a LOT of 'imperfection' in the name of Jehovah. Don't have to look too deep to find things to criticize. Besides, if these truely are imperfect men, seems to reason they could stand a little "criticizing". Might make them better people. Yet they continue to act as though JWs must treat them as if they were 'perfect' yet overlook 'imperfections'. Sorry that doesn't fly.
If it's the 'truth' then no argument can overturn it. Hmmm. Seems the 'truth' doesn't stand up too much under scrutiny - better to just plow stupidly ahead and ignore the man behind the curtain.
Why can some question and others not
by joelbear inwe are not jehovah's witnesses because of a variety of circumstances, but one thing we all share is that we question.. what factors come together to make us questioners?.
but i know a lot of very smart non-questioning jehovah's witnesses.. bravery?
One factor has got to be social. We (wife and I) were able to extract ourselves from the WT entanglements when we altered our social environment to not be so dependant on JWs. The questions/problems/doubts/etc were there LONG before we 'got out'.
Something's got to trigger existing questions/problems/doubts provoking them to boil to the surface - face it, coming out of the JW religion is a life altering change, and people are very resistant to making life alter changes.
by wonderwoman77 inhey all you out there.
all of us homosexuals, lesbian, gay, bisexual were getting bashed in the chat tonight.
what i was wondering?
I'm a lesbian.
<Trapped in a man's body ...>
Hi my names josephus, and i am an apostate.
by josephus inwell this is the day.. i mentioned to my mum that i read a good book recently about dates, and cronology.. she blew up and told me i was just trying to read anything that attempts to disprove jws.. apparently i am like those apostates, and people didnt want to talk to my because of it.. "this is the truth", she said.. well i am now an apostate.
it doesnt feel as bad as i thought it would.. josephus
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha - unbiased coming from a JWs mouth!!!! Hey YoYoBrain maybe you need to drop the WT/Awake for awhile and read some unbiased info? Oh I forget you are not allowed to!
Do you even know what the meaning of the word unbiased is?
Turn back on God because of WTS or JW's??
by IWish4Truth inin my opinion, it's one thing to not agree with organizations that impose certain rules upon it's members, but it's quite another to turn one's back on god himself because of disagreements.
is there not still some higher power out there who has the best interest of humans at heart?
how can it be denied, especially in these terrible times, that something or someone is gonna have to step in and take over and end this havoc.
Well, I lost my cross in a poker game. Wonder if that nice chap will sell it back? As for doing god's will, I sent away for an info packet on what god's will is and he hasn't responded yet. More mail problems? And by denying myself - does that mean I have to walk around naked or in sackcloth on the streets homeless? Do I deny myself food and water too? Seems my ministry wouldn't last too long if that were the case. What's in the blessing package? Does it beat my existing 401K plan? Health benefits? I need some dental work, is there a dental plan? Also, I tried following Christ's footsteps, but the tide washed away most of them and I can't see them anymore. Is he going to come back and walk around some more so as to create a few new 'footsteps'?
Turn back on God because of WTS or JW's??
by IWish4Truth inin my opinion, it's one thing to not agree with organizations that impose certain rules upon it's members, but it's quite another to turn one's back on god himself because of disagreements.
is there not still some higher power out there who has the best interest of humans at heart?
how can it be denied, especially in these terrible times, that something or someone is gonna have to step in and take over and end this havoc.
RR, have your god give me a ring sometime. I'd like to talk to him.
"LOL .... that's exactly what got us into this mess in the first place. Humans feeling they didn't ned God, or that they could live without him. God is God, He makes the rules. He created this universe, and everything in it. You don't like it "get off!""
And what mess would that be? Seems to me that the majority of mankind beleive in god. So by your logic the world would be in better shpae than it is? I'm still waiting for my medical package and paycheck to arrive from god. Seems the mail is slow these days?Well, while man's waiting for god to cut through the red tape and install his own gov't perhaps we'll just continue to use the ones that we have eh? Maybe god needs his own political party so he can get into the primary next time ...
Were you atheist/agnostic BEFORE you came here?
by gumby insomething has puzzeled me for a long time since i came to this board.
first i would like to say i'm not judging any in what i'm about to say as we all are at different places in our lives and i respect that.. here it is: at what point in your life did you no longer believe in god or believe the bible?.
how many came to this conclution after coming to this db?.
Answer: Before I came here.
For those that feel the need to believe in a god/creator because the universe is so complex, etc - where did god come from? And no to that tired old argument of 'he just was' or 'he's always been' - I don't buy that one. So SOMEWHOW, somewhere, SOMETHING was the first thing in existance ... how to explain that? I have NO clue. Doesn't really matter in day to day life though, fact is we're here and I see no evidence that a higher power has any influence in man's activities.
And I too kind of resent those who claim that people who do not beleive there is a god, or a god(s) that influence man, "throw the baby out with the bathwater" as if this beleif automatically makes people immoral/bad. Just because we don't fear punishment from some big bad sky daddy doesn't mean we use that as an excuse to commit wrong. People do 'wrong' things regardless of their beleifs.
High Standards in "the world" ??
by IWish4Truth inyes, im a newbie here, so my idea is to get the different viewpoints of people with different experience, strength, and possibly some hope to offer.
it's quite obvious to me that my view on certain matters upset some but; oh well.
i can handle it.
Another thing, you don't seem to have much exposure to the 'real' world, or are not being observant enough. The amount of 'true happiness' in the world is just the same as the amount of 'true happiness' in the JW society. People seek and find their own happiness regardless of religion - so you will find happy and depressed people in both places.
For what it's worth, if I had to finger a 'happier' group of people in the world, it would NOT be JWs. I knew WAY too many depressed, mentally unstable, and/or unhealthy JWs.
High Standards in "the world" ??
by IWish4Truth inyes, im a newbie here, so my idea is to get the different viewpoints of people with different experience, strength, and possibly some hope to offer.
it's quite obvious to me that my view on certain matters upset some but; oh well.
i can handle it.
"It has been my observance that the majority of this world has no true standards. Yes, people individually may or may not have a certain code of conduct that they abide by, but for the most part, it does seem that anything goes. "
This statement betrays your naivety - you are regurgitating old WT and Awake articles. You are seeking the worst in mankind and finding it. Go into a major city and watch humans interact with each other for a few weeks. You will observe that the vast majority of mankind is inherently 'selfish' in as much as priority #1 is careing for yourself, but that most people need very little coaxing to extend a helping hand to others - from very small acts or very large ones. Far from no true standards, and anything goes, most people abide by a very moral code.
You are confusing enforced 'standards' from people living by their own conscience. What you are seeking is a robotic society. I wouldn't care to live there, thank you vey much.