Oh gloom and doom, we're all going to die ...
We say as we type the message on our $1000+ computer. Communicatiing with hundreds/thousands of others who also have $1000+ computers. And the time to use them because we are not out in the fields 12 hours a day trying just to grow the food we need to survive yet another winter with no heat. We drink our coffee as we tpye the message of gloom and doom, and when we need to releave ourselves of that coffee we go to our bathrooms, do our business, and flush the commode. When we run out of that coffee, we jump in our vehicle of choice (often picking one of 2 or 3 in the garage/drive) and drive to the closest store (often a few minutes away). In that store is more food than you could eat in a year. Just waiting for you.
Then later after typeing our message of gloom and doom, we decide it would be nice to visit a foriegn country. So we jump in a plane, and a few hours later, we are living the high life in Europe, Asia, etc.
Oh what horrible times we live in!! I wish so bad I were alive 700 years ago, then I wouldn't face these horrible problems of war and famine and disease ... er, as I dump my shit and piss in the street below after toiling in the fields for 12 hours, picking yet another rotting tooth out of my head and wishing we could afford meat just once a year. Oh and don't forget the yearly bath I would take, wether I needed it or not. And then some local lord would decide to raid my village and rape my wife and daughter - just because he could. Sounds like a wonderful life!!!!