Marvin, I have thought the same to be true based on comments posted on the GC/WOL boards from bethelites. I'm curious, from where did you learn this info? I'd like to know from people who were there to watch this first hand ...
JoinedPosts by NameWithheld2
by Marvin Shilmer inbut whoever has this worlds means for supporting life and beholds his brother having need and yet shuts the door of his tender compassions upon him, in what way does the love of god remain in him?
little children, let us love, neither in word nor with the tongue, but in deed and truth.1 john 3:17-18 nwt .
you must love your neighbor as yourselfmatt 22:39 nwt.
NATO The JW View?
by ballistic inwhilst not wishing to triplicate the nato thread, i wish to ask a question of a more religious nature concerning it.. the jehovah's witnesses place much emphasis on the scriptual relevance of the un but not nato.. what are the current thoughts on this in the organisation and is there likely to be any new light regarding the beasts of revelation yet again?.
this also raises the question of the king of the north and the king of the south because if there is a ww3, it is not going to be between russia and america or democracy and communism but democracy and terroism?
Ha ha ... don't give them ideas! Now that they've gotton into bed with the UN they need a new 'wild beast' and NATO just might fit the bill.
And it's funny how quick some of the WOL/GC threads turned to calling terrorism 'the king of the north' (or was that south?)
The new new 'new light' about the king of the north/south ...
Not the smurfs!!!!!
by tattoogrl333 ini had previously asked a question about demons and after visiting the sites and reading the posts suggested by larc, i am disturbed.
jw really believe all that stuff about vacumes, teapots, and other household iteams.
that is sad.
I wouldn't say that that wsa neccesarily a fair criteria.
I've never turned down someones friendship, just because they wouldn't study with me, and frankly made some darned good friends that way.You were/are a rare breed of JW then. My point was not for Tatoogirl to use that as a 'test' but for the simple fact that she seems to be knowing that the JW religion is not all it's cracked up to be (as a religion) and is turned off by some of the things about it (as well she should be). But she is torn because she is now so close to this 'study lady as she calls her.
My point was if they are such close freinds why should/would Tatoogirls choice to NOT become a JW need affect that? Why must Tatoogirl become a JW (and conform to all the rules by doing so) to maintain this freindship. If the friendship is a conditional one based on Tatoogirl's always advancing in her 'study' is it really then a 'true' freindship? Things to ponder ...
Heres a dub who knows how to milk the disaster
by GWEEDO infrom the gc.
desert rose knows what to do:.
at our meeting last night, we had quite a few more in attendance than usual.
The several statements made by posters on WOL where they "gave glory and thanks to Jehovah" and felt "excited" when they heard the first reports of the attacks still send chills down my spine. The implications of this type of mindset are horrifying.
You and me both. This post almost made me physically sick ...
when I realized that there was so little real difference in what the JWs so desperatly want to happen to the world, and what the terrorist are DOING to the world. Where is the line drawn? I don't know. I doubt JWs would ever actually resort to violence, but on the other hand, I sadly could imagine that at least some WOULD do acts like this should/would the FDS come out and require it.
At the very least I don't think JWs truely comprehend what it is exactly they are dreaming about - 6 BILLION people dying.
Heres a dub who knows how to milk the disaster
by GWEEDO infrom the gc.
desert rose knows what to do:.
at our meeting last night, we had quite a few more in attendance than usual.
I have to disagree with ITguy. There are some in the JW who buy into it lock stock and barrel, and go from door to door thinking they really are spreading some kind of 'good news' (repent or die sinner!) but the vast majority of the JWs (including myself) that I have ever known could barely stand door to door (or other forms). We did it out of the fact that we 'had to' and just went out to put in the hours. You can better beleive if they dropped the time reporting deal the FS activity would drop steeply. Which is why they don't drop it.
Oh, and those gung ho types who thought they were doing some 'vital' worked really bugged the s*it out of the rest of us... we knew NOBODY wanted us pounding on their doors.
Oh, and Joel, not to pick at you, but it's people like that who have gotten us where we are today. I see no great difference between 'Allah Ackbar' (or whatever it is) and 'Praise God' ... both religions CAN produce some really f*cked up people.
Not the smurfs!!!!!
by tattoogrl333 ini had previously asked a question about demons and after visiting the sites and reading the posts suggested by larc, i am disturbed.
jw really believe all that stuff about vacumes, teapots, and other household iteams.
that is sad.
Yea, why can't you stay friends/family with this lady and cease the 'study' part? Why can't you tell her that you want to maintain your freindship but have no desire to join her religion? Would she cease association with you? If she does, that in itself is all the proof you need of her true intentions. If she doesn't, then you have gained a true friend (and will shock many of us on this board!)
by MadApostate ini just drove by the local kh on my way home, and the parking lot was overflowing, almost like at the memorial.
there were probably 50% more autos than are normaly at the average ms/sm.. is this just a local "phenomenon"?
anyone else here live near a kh?
It's what I was afraid of. I bet anything tons of people are scared back into 'regular' meeting attendence. Hopefully it will not last long and the poor people can get back to their regular 'inactivity'.
by D wiltshire inwt has to give final witness when end comes.
(a heavy message of doom from jehavhs organization).
*** re 233-4 32 god's anger brought to a finish ***.
Yes I remember hearing that a long time ago. I guess they've backed off that one too.
Quick Question
by tattoogrl333 inquick non bombing related question.
i mentioned to my study lady that i have the satanic bible and read it.
she then told me i should get rid of it by either throwing it away or burning it.
Tat, don't fret about it. They're entitled to their opinions, don't let them get you down. There are replies to your questions above, and more will come even if they are 'dumb' questions (and whatever is a 'dumb' question is open for interpritation).
Protect the children.
by outcast init has started, the fear based love bombing, they are grabbing their magazines, and shoving it down everyones throats, we can be prepared to defend our viewpoints, but they need to leave the children alone!.
taken from wol.
my mother has been calling our yournger brother who has been inactive for years trying to encourage him to return to jehovah.. i can say something personal here.
This is going to be tough - I'm going to get it from my family next time I talk to them.
"Now is the time to return to Jehovah" ... Oh yea, like it was 'the time' during the Gulf War? Like 1986 when the UN declared the 'year of peace & security'? Like 1975? 1925? 1914?
Future KM article ...
"After the WTC bombing, what faith some of other brothers showed! There were even some reports of brothers selling their homes and businesses so they could devote themselves to full-time service in this few months remaining. Could we show the same self-sacrificing spirit? Are we 'buying out the oppertune time' of our busy schedules to 'preach the good news of the kingdom'?"