One more attempt ...
JoinedPosts by NameWithheld2
by You Know inperhaps you recall the instance in the bible where samson made a wager with the philistines that they couldnt guess his riddle.
as it turned out they wheedled the answer out of him by his fiancee, but the point is that they had a wager.
since the underlying assumption of the apostasy is that we are not living in the last days of this system of things, and that this world is not facing anything remotely like the biblical apocalypse, at least not any time soon, in the spirit of such antagonism, i would like to propose a similar wager.
by You Know inperhaps you recall the instance in the bible where samson made a wager with the philistines that they couldnt guess his riddle.
as it turned out they wheedled the answer out of him by his fiancee, but the point is that they had a wager.
since the underlying assumption of the apostasy is that we are not living in the last days of this system of things, and that this world is not facing anything remotely like the biblical apocalypse, at least not any time soon, in the spirit of such antagonism, i would like to propose a similar wager.
Let's try this one more time ...
Oh well, guess since it the URL doesn't end in a .gif or .jpg it won't automagically display the pic ... too bad.
Anyone have some web space to throw this photo onto???
Not the smurfs!!!!!
by tattoogrl333 ini had previously asked a question about demons and after visiting the sites and reading the posts suggested by larc, i am disturbed.
jw really believe all that stuff about vacumes, teapots, and other household iteams.
that is sad.
I quite understand the feelings you're having. It is a natural desire to be a part of something and the JWs make things look very appealing on the surface. But you have already scratched below the surface and seen the ugly underside. It's sad there has to be an ugly underside. I would hope that this lady would remain your friend even if you decide not to become a JW
The elders are scary though. They seem very very VERY unapproachable. Seems like if they said jump everyone would say how high.
Boy have you nailed it. You'd better not only ask how high but how many times too.
You say this is the first exposure you've had to bible study - well you owe it to yourself to investigate other religions too. Don't take ANY religion's surface explinations either. Do your own digging.
I look at religions like clubs - they might look like a nice group of people to get in with, but you'd better check out what the bylaws are. Otherwise you might get a surprise. The one nice thing about most religions though is that in most religions you can leave and they won't shun you.
What Bethel has done per their information Line
by puppylove ini just spoke to bryce at bethel information line (hopefully this was not just nytelecom1 himself).. this is what bethel has done:.
1. donated batteries and flashlights.
2. power equipment to cut through concrete.
OK. According to their own PR video made right after the attack...
Brought everyone to the dinning room, about 850-900
The thing is most non-JWs would perhaps think these were victims, but when in reality they were Bethelite workers he was talking about.
Then he mentions ...
quite a few in the lobby, all the tourers were brought to the dinning room
SO caring of them to feed the people touring Bethel that day.
Now keep in mind this IS A PR VIDEO!! They are trying to make themselves look as good as possible here. If they were making such a valient effort to reach out and help, where is the video that shows them setting up shelters, food tents, whatever? Where are the pictures of the Bethelites leaving work to go down and donate all these supplies?
I'll tell you where they are - probably right behind the pictures of the 'brothers' drawing the shades and locking the doors so that 'strangers' can't get in.
I'm sorry, but some little PR dweeb talking about donating flashlights, tools, and bandaids doesn't change my mind.
What Bethel has done per their information Line
by puppylove ini just spoke to bryce at bethel information line (hopefully this was not just nytelecom1 himself).. this is what bethel has done:.
1. donated batteries and flashlights.
2. power equipment to cut through concrete.
I would hope that this is true. Maybe it is, I don't know. Time distorts facts and propaganda begins. I too would be curious when these supplies were begun. From the 'man on the ground' Tues/Wednesday there was little to no efforts like this. Instead their inital reaction was to close up.
It is also not unheard of for Bethel to take credit for local brother's initative. What I do NOT beleive is that the GB got together and formulated a plan of donations. What I DO beleive is that some of the brothers took it upon themselves to do something.
Sorry I'm such a cynic, but I've seen too much of the way things operate up there to think otherwise.
LOOK IT'S SATAN!! He's gonna get you!!!!
by Brutus inhehe.
LOL. It's probably not Satan though, it's probably either Jehovah or Allah ...
Gullibilty and reasoning
by Norm inthe latest horrible events in ny and washington has rightfully shocked the entire world.
it is a deed that will go down in history as monumental as the holocaust and other atrocities.. the only superpower in the world was powerless and unable to stop a handful of dedicated and fanatic persons from inflicting such a horrific blow to the nation.
they struck right at the financial and military center of the superpower.. in the wake of such an event it is interesting to watch the various comments from the us politicians, the president and military.
Either he was sleeping of the job and was looking the other way at the moment. Whatever God was doing he wasn’t very busy “Blessing America”.
Do the religious believers stop for one second to ponders such obvious problems? Nope - no way. What do we see? Well, the usual mindless drivel. We should all pray!
PRAY is the watchword. Yeah sure. Pray to whom? To the God, which according to those same believers claims are the only one who could have prevented the very thing from happening in the first place? If this wonderful God of yours didn’t care enough to stop your loved ones from being killed in the first place, why do you think he would care for your prayers afterwards?
How true. It really struck me watching so many saying 'pray for those affected'. In the strict understanding of what they are saying - to pray to a god for help in this time of need - it makes no sense. Why would god give a crap about helping now, he didn't care enough to stop it.
HOWEVER, in another way I appretiate the thoughts behind those messages to pray for those. In a way I think those prayers are more to show we care for those hurt, then a real effort to appeal to a god. I'm sure many truely think that they are praying to and being heard by a god, but I think there are many more who recite the words 'say a prayer' simply as a way to show their thoughts are with them. Same as the thoughts behind lighting a candle ... it does no 'good' in the grand scheme of things, but it sure is a nice way to show the emotions we are all feeling now.
WTC Charity: A Blown Opportunity by WTS
by Room 215 inapart from the noble imperatives of christian charity, the society's rather tepid response to the need for emergency assistance in the aftermath of the wtc tragedy across the harbor illustrates how calcified the thinking of their leadsership has become.. i know, they've accepted a few overnight jw guests and accommodated some others, but when measured against the magnitude of their resources, these meager photo-op and pr-op gestures are tiny.. by failing to sieze the moment, they blew a priceless opportunity to cut a a firebreak across what they must know will be a maelstrom of publice outrage and criticism when the dateline story runs.
NYT, I'm sorry that the tragedy touched you closely. However, who gives a crap whether that poor soul was a JW or not? What difference does that make? Does that make you care more about him?
As far as what the society has done, we already know. They cleaned their own sidewalks, shut the doors and drew the shades, then sent out special preaching groups. Probably dug up all the old terrorist back issues for them. Oh, we almost forget the few dozen or so JWs that they feed AFTER those JWs came to them. I wonder if they checked for blood cards before allowing 'strangers' in. I'm sure NY thanks their lucky stars to have such a fine group in their midst.
by You Know inperhaps you recall the instance in the bible where samson made a wager with the philistines that they couldnt guess his riddle.
as it turned out they wheedled the answer out of him by his fiancee, but the point is that they had a wager.
since the underlying assumption of the apostasy is that we are not living in the last days of this system of things, and that this world is not facing anything remotely like the biblical apocalypse, at least not any time soon, in the spirit of such antagonism, i would like to propose a similar wager.
Yes, AFAIK, Satan has never killed anyone? But 'Jehovah' sure has. At least according to the bible. Maybe Jehovah does love Mr Robert, and it's Satan who is disgusted ...
So as I see it, Mr Robert has been preaching doom and gloom for the finacial sector for years now (every Oct), and may have gotton lucky, then again, maybe not. So far, aeven with everything that has happened, I don't see any 'full blown panic' going on. In fact, foreign markets are holding pretty steady.
Not to mention, who gives a s*it if we DO have a recession? We've had MANY in the past, and it's just part of the game. You either survive it or you don't (hate to be cold-hearted), but the fact is we've always gone up and down with the economy. Just another day in your life ...
by You Know inperhaps you recall the instance in the bible where samson made a wager with the philistines that they couldnt guess his riddle.
as it turned out they wheedled the answer out of him by his fiancee, but the point is that they had a wager.
since the underlying assumption of the apostasy is that we are not living in the last days of this system of things, and that this world is not facing anything remotely like the biblical apocalypse, at least not any time soon, in the spirit of such antagonism, i would like to propose a similar wager.
Englishman: No he does NOT love his country. He would shrink from taking any part in helping his fellow countrymen, other than being sure to smack his message of doom into their face (which he considers 'help'). He certainly would not 1) attend a service for the victims 2) donate blood OR money to the Red Cross, 3) go to NY to help feed/shelter those in the rescue/clean-up effort, or 4) even show a small symbol of grief, respect, or pride by flying a flag.
And he CERTAINLY would never defend his country from attack, nay, he would rather rot in jail then do that (of course he doesn't want to rot in jail either which is why he would a) claim 'exempt' status becasue he's a 'minister', or b) run away to Canada )