Thank-You Big!
I'm glad you came through that tough time. =:o)
I've realized that through all this, that if someone is depressed, that there is help out there. I have my bad days, but I realize that it will pass....and as Scarlette said, *Tomorrow IS another day!*
We've all got to hang in there. Appreciate everyday we've got and realize whats really important. =:o)
p.s. I'm going by Tinkerbell4125 now, instead of Nat =;o)
Posts by Nat
Update On Elder Suicide
by Nat insome of you may not have heard about my sister-in-laws brother.
he was a elder/37/married/no children and my sister-in-law's twin brother.. he took his life a couple of weeks ago.
no one was sure what was going on or what had happened.
Update On Elder Suicide
by Nat insome of you may not have heard about my sister-in-laws brother.
he was a elder/37/married/no children and my sister-in-law's twin brother.. he took his life a couple of weeks ago.
no one was sure what was going on or what had happened.
Your post made me cry. Thank-you for being so sweet Wick. Actually I'm doing fine today. I'm in counceling and I've got a great husband. He's my soft place to fall.
By the way....I'm going to be going by the name Tinkerbell4125 instead of Nat. Just wanted to let you know! Maybe one day I'll post my story. =:o)I will send my sister-in-law a card. After my dad took his life, I was in a daze for 6 months.....couldn't tell you who was at his funeral if my life depended on it. I was a complete zombie. It's all like a dream. It's been 5 years now. I still remember him dying right in front of me. I remember touching the blood in his hair.
Update On Elder Suicide
by Nat insome of you may not have heard about my sister-in-laws brother.
he was a elder/37/married/no children and my sister-in-law's twin brother.. he took his life a couple of weeks ago.
no one was sure what was going on or what had happened.
Thanks Nic......I'll check it out!
I'm changing my name to Tinkerbell..Just wanted to let ya know! =:o) -
Update On Elder Suicide
by Nat insome of you may not have heard about my sister-in-laws brother.
he was a elder/37/married/no children and my sister-in-law's twin brother.. he took his life a couple of weeks ago.
no one was sure what was going on or what had happened.
I can't get over all the support that I have recieved here!!! I hope I didn't make you all feel bad for me, that was not my intentions. I'm wanted to let you all know, also, that I'm changing my name to Tinderbell4125, just so you'll know in the future. Long story, but thats what I'm going by in the future, K! It's for security reasons, I'm sure alot of you understand my situation....when you have to go underground! Nat....opps, I mean Tinkerbell
Update On Elder Suicide
by Nat insome of you may not have heard about my sister-in-laws brother.
he was a elder/37/married/no children and my sister-in-law's twin brother.. he took his life a couple of weeks ago.
no one was sure what was going on or what had happened.
Thank-You Beans. Is that information on the net? If so, do you have the address? I'd really like to check it out! =:o)
Update On Elder Suicide
by Nat insome of you may not have heard about my sister-in-laws brother.
he was a elder/37/married/no children and my sister-in-law's twin brother.. he took his life a couple of weeks ago.
no one was sure what was going on or what had happened.
Thank-you for all your post and replies. His suicide did stir up some old ghosts, but I'm doing better. I want be talking to my sister-in-law. She's a j.w., but I'll send her a card.
Update On Elder Suicide
by Nat insome of you may not have heard about my sister-in-laws brother.
he was a elder/37/married/no children and my sister-in-law's twin brother.. he took his life a couple of weeks ago.
no one was sure what was going on or what had happened.
p.s.........sorry for all the mistakes in my post. geeeze! sorry!
Update On Elder Suicide
by Nat insome of you may not have heard about my sister-in-laws brother.
he was a elder/37/married/no children and my sister-in-law's twin brother.. he took his life a couple of weeks ago.
no one was sure what was going on or what had happened.
Some of you may not have heard about my sister-in-laws brother. He was a elder/37/married/no children and my sister-in-law's twin brother.
He took his life a couple of weeks ago. No one was sure what was going on or what had happened. Alot of emotions were going everywhere. His wife/pioneer did have a memorial service. We and is very angry. Had a 3 hours visitation and alot of people were upset over that. He was a good guy folks. Alot of rumors have traveled over the hills these past few days and I'll now disrespect the deceased and family by discussing the details of what and why it happened. I'll say it is truly a sad situation. I wish he knew he could have gotten help. I will tell you this, personal I feel the org. had their hand in his suicide. They were going to disfellowship him the Sunday he took his life. My dad took his life. Could never live up to being a j.w. either. It's tough and alot to take if you think about it.
What was the JW breaking point 4 U?
by ashitaka inwe have a thread that asks why we became jw's, so i became curious as to why some of us have left.
what was the last straw for you?.
mine was the treatment of my wife.
Well for me it was..........
the way they treated me personally. It's a long story. One day I'll post it. They gave me a deadline to meet with them, or else!!!! Having all disregard for my personal situation. It was either complete compliance and control OR nothing. I had always had my doubts, but I was raised in the org. so I was in and out and in and out...bla bla bla....I would NEVER go back.
My Story
by Kep inmy mother and grandmother are dubs, so it was a part of my life from the start.
both my dad and grandfather weren't, so it was what they call a divided household.. that sucked coz, after the meeting we were hurried off home to please the unbelieving mate.. so i never got to have real friends at the meetings and never had any activities outside of school.. as i got older i began to fit in with the school mates but felt restrained as we always had meetings to go to.. to cut a long story short, i got baptised when i was 18, had trouble keeping on top of meetings and witnessing etc.... i went weak, then inactive, found myself a girlfriend, non-witness, talked her thru the issues and problems i was going thru and so she decided to study.. we got married, she was baptised and things were going good.. as they were always pushing at assemblies to pioneer we felt we had to do that.. so as our circumstances allowed, she began pioneering.. you know, i look back and can say there was so much pressure put on couples who didn't have a family to seek first the kingdom.. as i had a checkered past according to some in the congo, it was a battle to attain privilidges.
but i worked at it, i would auxillary pioneer each year and use my vacation time to do it, brown nose the co each time he visited, and bend over backwards to do anything the elders wanted done.. and as time passed i became a ministerial servant.. then in order for me to become an elder i had to really work my ass off.. so i did, i sorted things out so i could also become a regular pioneer.. after 18 months of doing that plus continually working hard for the org i was appointed elder.. my family was stoked.. i had a sister whose husband had also been appointed elder, my other sister was a regular pioneer and my brother was living with me and doing as much as he could.
I'm speechless!
Hang in there my friend! Thank-you for sharing your story with us!!! So so many can relate my friend. So so many.