This really doesnt mean anything. The bond money was probably just an escrolle account of projected money usage, and put into an account in case any issues happen during consrtuction. The township probably requires a large corporation, like the WTS, who are doing huge amounts of construction in their town, to put this money in the account. Basically, if anything went horribly wrong during construction, say like a bulldozer ripping up a gas line and starting a fire that consumes hundreds of acres of the towns resources, or an ecological contamination to the towns water supply. The money held in escrolle, in this account could then be used to "fix" the problem.
The ammendment to the law in this case, is that instead of the WTS having to put 22 million, or whatever the amount was, they are now allowed to only have to put 7 million in the account. Either way, whether the 22 million or the 7 million is put in, as long as there is no major catastrophe, the WTS would get this money back anyway, after constructions end.
The WTS was probably originally required to put in the first, larger amount of money, but then they bitched, and probably sent letters and filed for an adjustment/ammendment, asking to put in a lesser amount. Maybe claiming that construction was nearing its end, or saying that whatever construction is left is not as huge or expensive as the previous years. The ammendment got passed, but either way the WTS, is just getting there own money back, or not having to put up as much money first, but that they would still get back anyway.