I was a born in, and henceforth indoctrinated from infancy by the cult. My Father, once a dutiful elder and full blown Kool aid drinker, is a very educated and deeper than most thinker.
I think thats what drew him to the "truth" back in the 70s. This was the Fred Franz "oracle" days. These were the days of congregations bursting at the seams, and splitting into 2 or even 3 halls. These were the days of quick builds, and expansion into hundreds of countries. The building of branches all around the world.
The preaching work truly appeared to be the fulfillment of scripture. The reasoning book was chock full of information designed to shut down any heavy hitting born again, or even the very clergy of other religions. My father even went so far as to have a personally customized bible with the Reasoning book bound together as one.
There truly was an "air" of deep thinking, and scholarly discussions. The religion not only appealed to those with half a brain, but even to those who were firing on all cylinders.
Fast forward to today, and it is truly shadow of its former glory. Not only can the average JW not defend its "doctrine", but even the top elders will have a very hard time defending things. From the overlapping generation NONSENSE, to the screeching halt of the preaching work, expansion, growth, there is nothing to defend.
It is a watered down, mockery of its former self. The GB putting on their JW.org shows, only adds to the fact that these men are MORONS without a full brain cell between the 7 of them. They cant teach, they cant defend it, they cant hold it together anymore. They are the CEOs of a sinking ship.
Needless to say, my Father who was drawn to this religion BECAUSE of its "deepness", is still proving that he IS the smartest man in the room, as where the religion is NOW, has made him checkout. Most would have just continued going and not be true and honest to themselves. It takes a brave, and educated person to admit when things do not seem right anymore, and to not accept the lies any longer.
My very smart Father refused to take it anymore, and has all but faded from the nonsense. Their deeper thinking brought him in, and their now lack of it, brought him out.