How couuld anyone refute such "iron clad logic"? If you are that smart, you must be demonized!
funny, isn't it?
watchtower management insists that meditation opens the mind to satanic occupation, or at the least, demonic influence.
yet, science is showing it's health benefits, such as lowering blood pressure, reducing stress.
How couuld anyone refute such "iron clad logic"? If you are that smart, you must be demonized!
i`m discussing with a jw-dork on another forum, and we`re discussing 607, 1914, all that crap (no scholar, stay away from this thread!
) , and then he writes: .
"they were famaliar with the writing of the jewish prophets.
My sources give, Dec, 167bc as the date that the pagan altar was constructed in the temple and the cleansing 3 years later in 164 b.c.. Most scholars seem to believe that the book of Daniel was written during this 3 year period, probably near the end of it. If the book had existed prior to 200 b.c., it would have been included among the Prophets, as it now stand in the English Bible. Writing ca. 180 b.c., Jeshua ben Sira lists the heroes of the faith from Enoch, Noah, and Abraham through Nehemiah (Ecclus.44-49) but makes no mention of Daniel, evidently because he does not know of the book about him. It really isn't prophecy when it is written after the fact is it? Re; your idea that the temple was "cleansed" when the vestiges of Jewish worship was removed prior to the erection of the pagan statue. That really is a stretch. That proper word is desecration. I do agree that Antiochus may have prohibited sacrifices some weeks before the pagan statue was erected, but that event would hardly qualify as "cleansing".
i was watching the history channel this weekend and they had a show on the global flood story.
it was pretty interesting, mostly the same old stuff and some commentators from different religions.
while i was watching this, two thoughts kept coming to mind:.
You should also consider the possibility that God had nothing to do with the flood. Or the creation of the earth for that matter.
i`m discussing with a jw-dork on another forum, and we`re discussing 607, 1914, all that crap (no scholar, stay away from this thread!
) , and then he writes: .
"they were famaliar with the writing of the jewish prophets.
a christian
"abomination that makes desolate" is a word play on the Semitic title of Zeus "Baal of Heaven". In reading the scriptures it was a common practice to substitute such words as "shame", "abomination", and "transgression" in references to the old Canaanite god Baal. During the final "one week of years", Antiochus is successful in making a strong covenant with those of the Jews who are willing to compromise with his hellezination policy. The climax of his persecution is the halting of sacrifice in the temple and the descecration of the altar by the erection of a statue of Zeus. The cessation of worship was to last 2,300 evenings and mornings (1150 days, 3 years and approximately 2 months.) According to I Macc.(1:54, 59; 4:52-54) Judus Maccabeus and his followers rededicated the altar and resumed sacrifices 3 years to the day after the desecration.. Some scholars point out that Antiochus prohibition of sacrificices may have been enforced some weeks before the altar was desecrated and that the 1150 days may have been the actual period during which daily sacrifices were suspended.
Unlike the Persians, who pretty much let the Jews worship as they pleased, the Greeks were bent on "hellenizing" every part of the culture of their subjects. This included worship, diet, language, education, etc.. The period of Greek domination was a very stressful time for the Jews which no doubt caused the book of Daniel to be written. Its central message seems to be "hang on-God will save us in the end". It is no accident that when the Christians come under extreme stress from the Roman emporers such as Trajan, the book of Revelation is written. Much of the imagery in Revelation is lifted from the book of Daniel and its central message seems to be the same.
i`m discussing with a jw-dork on another forum, and we`re discussing 607, 1914, all that crap (no scholar, stay away from this thread!
) , and then he writes: .
"they were famaliar with the writing of the jewish prophets.
I gave up practicing "bibliolotry" many years ago. I happen to believe that there is a good deal in the new testament attributed to Jesus that he never said. Just as Daniel was written during the period of the Greek Desolation and attributed to an earlier period, it is well to remember that none of the gospel accounts were written until after the event of the Roman destruction of Jerusalem. It is easy to look back with clarity. Hindsight can often be 20/20. Even the disciples who sat at the feet of Jesus did not fully comprehend what he was teaching. They, like we still do, tried to fit him into their existing "Theological Box". It was not a comfortable fit. The claims made today for Jesus far exceed anything he claimed for himself while he was alive. I do agree, however, that he is alive today. After all, he went through the crucifiction thing to demonstrate that death is not real and can be overcome. The "sacrifice for sin" thing got added on later by the Jews converting from the Jewish religion.
i`m discussing with a jw-dork on another forum, and we`re discussing 607, 1914, all that crap (no scholar, stay away from this thread!
) , and then he writes: .
"they were famaliar with the writing of the jewish prophets.
As you well know, the "abomination standing in the holy place" is a reference to the erection of a pagan god on the altar of the temple during the time of the Macabees. The phase in Mark (let the reader understand) is an indication that Mark is herewith reproducing a document which could not have been part of an oral communication by Jesus. Many scholars believe that the document was a warning sheet distributed among Christians just prior to the fall of Jerusalem in AD 70 on which advice the Christians fled to the city of Pella east of the Jordan. This section of Mark was later copied by both Matthew and Luke.
does anyone have any information on the origins of the book of job?.
i have a few questions.... 1) how old is this book?.
2) did moses write the book?.
Job almost takes the form of an epic poem. If most likely is post exilic and likely borrowed from the Babylonians or Persians. Most scholars believe that the Hebrew is the most corrupt of all the biblical documents. There is no reference to any event in Hebrew history. It has been worked over and edited to the point where it is not certain who is making what speech. Almost all scholars believe the speeches of Elihu are an addition to the original work. It seems to deal with the question "Why do bad things happen to good people? The answers are not very satisfactory which may explain some of the editing. One of the most telling lines in the book is "Lo, the very things I feared are come upon me!". In a current work called "A Course in Miracles", there is a line that goes, "That which you defend against, you make real to your own mind".
i`m discussing with a jw-dork on another forum, and we`re discussing 607, 1914, all that crap (no scholar, stay away from this thread!
) , and then he writes: .
"they were famaliar with the writing of the jewish prophets.
Christians understand that Jesus Christ is God. As such we understand that Christ Himself inspired the writing of the entire Bible. That being the case, it does not surprise me that Jesus Christ would have inspired the writing of all parts of the Bible, a Bible that He knew would be read by both those with hearts inclined towards Him and by those with hearts hardened against Him, in much the same way in which He spoke to crowds containing both of these kinds of people while He was on earth. Not to start a discussion on the Trinity, but count me as a Christian who certainly does not count Jesus as God. Morevover, I don't understand that Christ inspired the writing of the bible. In many respects, the bible has been more of a hindrance than a help to understanding our true nature. If the rules had been followed when the Old Testament was cannonized, the book of Daniel would not have been included. As has been pointed out, it is all about Antiochus Ephinanes and was written during the Greek period. The "annointed one" is probably Cyrus, but could have been the high priest Joshua Leolia, Gumby, and Narkissos- While I find your posts very interesting, I believe you are wasting your time dealing with the Ianone and A Christian whose minds are clearly closed to truth. They seem to be happy wallowing in their mindset. Let them wallow.
it has been over 10 months now since i stopped going to the kingdom hall.
i had imagined how i would really find my way to god now that i was no longer being misled by the wts ( for - profit) publishing company.
i kept reading the bible, because people on jwd had told me how i would see it in a different light.
You would do well to listen to James Thomas. There is no God outside yourself and you will never find HIM there. Now is the only time there is. Stop thinking of yourself as a human body seeking a spiritual experience. You are so much more! You are in fact an immortal creation having a human experience, or at least dreaming that you are. This earth is not your home.
as most of you know, i live in quebec (90% french) and i was at the convenience store a moment ago.. there was a lady from ontario in her 50's who stopped at the conveniece store to ask the clerc for directions in english.
the girl at the cash tried her best to speak english and give her the right directions.
then a client came in the convenience store and saw the lady talking in english.
I was stationed in Germany with the USAF for three years and made a considerable effort to learn German. The Germans in my area generally spoke French in addition to German as that area was controlled by France between WWI and WWII and there were few English speakers. I found that Germans generally appreciated it if you attempted to speak their language and would let you know quickly if their English was better than your German. And it generally was! I usually attended a German protestant church as the sermons were always in good German without a lot of local dialect.