I haven't read the book either, but the basic premise is not unlike the teaching in A Course In Miracles. ACIM holds that a dream of separation occured when we, in our Logos state, told God that we would like to do our own thing and be our own Gods. If you are going to dream a dream of separation, you have to have a place to do it, hence the creation of the earth by the sleeping, separated Son which we would all agree is somewhat less than perfect. Problem is that we brought the tremendous load of guilt about the dream so we started spliting off and encasing ourselfs in bodies, also somewhat less than perfect. Tlhey age and die don't they? In the old part of Genesis, we find God saying to Adam and Eve ,"Who told you that you were naked?" The good news is that we retain a memory of who and what we are (Holy Spirit) and can turn to that memory when we choose. Choosing the Holy Spirit scares the hell out of our ego selves who then seeks to project the guilt about the dream of separation on to whoever is at hand. "It was that woman Lord, she made me do it". The account of Jesus in the wilderness after his baptism by John appears to be a record of his stamping out the last vestiges of his ego self which we all have and nurture on a regular basis. Bottom line is that God (Jehovah) described in the Old Testament is the Ego God (Satan). GOD had nothing to do with the creation of the Universe and therefore it doesn't really exist except in our dream. Maya or Illusion as the Hindus say. The Catholic Mass appears to venerate the Ego God.
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Book, Jehovah Unmasked
by dogisgod insomeone here recommended this book to me.
i finished it in the wee hours of the morning and now feel a little like my brains have been scrambled.
from what mr merritt wrote kind of reminds me of scientology.
how do you feel about mandatory military service?
by The Humper ini was watching the democratic debate on tv today, well some of it, and this was one of the topics.
personally i think that it woldnt be a bad thing at all.
many countries do it and have no problems.
I spent 21 years in the United States Air Force. All of our personnel were volunteers. No one wanted conscripts. We need someone we can count on when the chips are down. It does need to be made financially attractive in order to get a good quality of persons volunteering.
You are correct! We are at war and have been since the early 90s. It is the worst kind of war, a war with religious motivation. The incident on 9/11 was just the latest in a long string of incidents in which our country was attacked. Has everyone forgotten the Iranian Embassy Siege, the bombing of the Cole (Destroyer), the Embassy in Tanzania, the Marine Barracks in Lebannon, the Kobar Towers, the first attempt on the twin towers,?
You are extremely uninformed if you think the radical muslims only want to live in peace. Their goal is to establish Sharia law in the United States. Terror is simply the most economical way to accomplish this. You would do well to study the teachings of the Wahabi Muslim faith.
LT. Col USAF (Ret)
by badboy inpeople who speak non-tonal languages are more likely to have a more recently evolve form of the genes aspm and microcephalin.. this raises an interesting idea.. possibly no non-tonal languages were spoken at the time of the towers of babel.. how would a jw explain?.
We can always count on Leolaia to give us the "straight skinny" on where these stories come from.
Question for Leolaia:
Which culture did the Hebrews borrow those stories from? Persian? Babylonian? Sumerian?
by badboy inpeople who speak non-tonal languages are more likely to have a more recently evolve form of the genes aspm and microcephalin.. this raises an interesting idea.. possibly no non-tonal languages were spoken at the time of the towers of babel.. how would a jw explain?.
The account of the Tower of Babel is a fairy tale designed to explain why different groups have different languages. However, most myths have some basis in history. In this case the most likely scenario is an "over zealous" overseer generated a riot due to harsh measures used to increase production. They already had different languages before they were rounded up to work on a public works project called the Tower of Babel. I was on a construction project in Europe once manned by Turks, Portugese, Spaniards, and Yugoslave laborers. The forman was German. Communication was difficult at best.
I really don't enjoy hunting having satisfied my yen for that on the Ho Chi Minh Trail hunting game that could shoot back. I've seen what can happen, however, when the balance of nature gets out of control. I know that someone has to "harvest" those excess deer or they would likely all starve to death. I would rather it be someone other than me. My first job out of college was as a Highway Engineer in Big Bend National Park. Due to a rabies scare, the Park Rangers shot all of the coyotes in the park. What they forgot was that the coyotes were the control on the rabbits. You wouldn't believe how those rabbits multiplied. I couldn't drive 5 miles in the park without killing 4 or 5 with my car. The rabbits ate every blade of grass in the park. The vultures had a field day. Since the traffic in Big Bend was pretty light, the vultures would get so gorged with rabbit that they couldn't get out of the way when a car came along. A vulture makes a horrible mess on the front grill of a car when hit at 40 or 50 miles per hour. I am also aware that the most dangerous thing in the world is a "city boy" in the woods with a gun.
congregation behind in their donation !!!
by buffalosrfree inrecently at a theo night, it was mentioned that the cong was behind in their donation to the society and it was specifically mentioned that the mags and books cost $$4 and the donations weren't even with the amount of mags and books being requested.
does this not show that the society is still after the congregations for the money for "free" mags and books?
what a bunch of hyprocrites.
I would tell them to take the shortage out of the millions of dolllars there are profitting from the sale of their buildings that we (all of us) paid for with our donations. Don't count on them making the funds available to congregations. They are going to need every penny they can get from the building sales to pay off those sexual abuse settlements.
Symbolism in Revelation Points to the Watchtower - Leolaia HELP
by jgnat inwe're studying rev.
grand climax, chapter 14 (revelation 4:5).
amazingly, tongue-in-cheek, much of the symbolism points to the watchtower.
My Sunday school teacher believed that the writer of Revelation had a copy of Daniel open on his desk because the symbology is so similar. Most scholars agree that Daniel was written between 164-167 b.c. when the Jews were under heavy persecution by the Greeks. He believed that Revelations was written during heavy persecution by the Romans, especially the Emporer Trajan. The message of both books appears to be the same. HANG ON! God is going to take care of this! The symbology appears to refer to the governments and individuals that were in the writers time and there is no justification for applying that to future modern day events. The writing of the book in common greek would indicate the the author was not the same as the Gospel of John writer whoever that was. It is also interesting that many of the early church fathers argued against including Revelation in the New Testament canon.
A Sunday School teacher of mine pointed out that the author of Hebrews was most certainly a lawyer since the entire book takes the form of a legal brief. Ascribing the work to Paul was primarily to get it accepted, but it seems unlikely to have been writtten by him. Since Luke was a Physician, he wouuldn't qualify either. We probably will never know who wrote the book.
If myspace can do it....
by truthsetsonefree intoday myspace announced that they will be releasing the names of sex offenders using their site and delete the accounts.
while this is not a perfect solution (accounts under aliases can't be linked to offenders) why can't watchtower release their names.
because they don't f***ing care.
I understand that the main reason the WTS settlled those recent sexual abuse lawsuits is so they would not have to release the Pedophile database.
Have You Ever Met A "Celebrity" or Actually See One Face To Face?
by minimus inwhile i was in new york i walked by two men and one looked like the comedian jackie mason whom i adore.
i looked at him and said, "i just wanted to say how much i enjoy your shows.
i've seen you perform a number of times".
I forgot to mention that I met John Wayne. In fact, he bought me a drink at the Officers Club at Hurlburt Field, Fla. He was there with his son filming the movie Green Berets. Nice fellow! Very friendly.