Hey Nina
Didn't we max out our credit cards in "74? The thing to do this time is to take out a huge Home Equity Line of Credit, quit our jobs so that we can go door to door. Oh Yeah!
i got an email with an audio attachment (haven't listened to it) that's being passed around the witness community.
here's the written part of it anyway:.
i just wanted to let you know about an important piece of information i heard first hand, this morning (actually on a recording of a bethel representative giving a talk at the 2007 special day assembly in houston, tx).
Hey Nina
Didn't we max out our credit cards in "74? The thing to do this time is to take out a huge Home Equity Line of Credit, quit our jobs so that we can go door to door. Oh Yeah!
i know this question has been asked before, but i can't find the old post about this.
i am looking for another area of the us to move to.
edit: please be aware, i am ranting right now, but nothing here is exaggerated.
I was born and raised in Louisiana and got out as quick as I could. I now live in Fort Worth, TX which is very nice.,
hello, i am an ex jw in the air force, just wondering if anyone else was involved in the service after they escaped the cult.
I did 21 years in the USAF and retired as a LTC. I was never in the cult, but my wife was a member during the last 15 years of my service. She was and is a full time Pioneer and one of the "annointed".
so where does that leave us?
leave me?.
the logical consequence would be that i should get absolutely every little piece of self-gratification i can get before i die.
You have hit the nail right on the head! According to A Course in Miracles, there is only one of us here. Everyone should go back and read your post. Very insightful!
how did noah put bitumen on the underside of the ark, did he get his family to lift it up allowing him to slide under and paint this on?
the underside being the most important face to be treated needed to be waterproof to make sure it did not allow leaks to occur, and had to stand up to extreme conditions for a whole year.
The Jews borrowed that story from the Persians. Not to be taken literally.
not jehovahs witnesses though lol, in case anyone was wondering....i'd have to move house, we can't "live in sin" and serve jah.. we saw a minor road accident between two cars, one of which looked likely to be a write off.
fortunately no one was badly hurt, as the ambulance came but didn't take anyone to hospital.
the police came as well, and took our names, so we are witnesses to the crash.. and that is the only witness either of us ever want to be again.. .
Resistance is futile! lol
just a little breaking news:.
after several years of a great friendship with diane (previously posted as xena) things have started to really come together recently and i've succumbed to making an honest woman of her (or at least as honest as it's possible to make her.
last night (xmas day) i popped the question and she agreed to marry me (i wonder if she knows what she's let herself in for!!!)..
Congratulations to you both! Naturally we all hope that you will choose to live in the USA. That way we would get to see you more often.
im not trying to sound haughty or god-hating, i dont even know if i believe what i wrote but tell me what you guys think about this: how are we, as individuals and a species, to grow into what we want to become unless we are first burned by the fires of lesson?
how can we see our faults unless first we experience them, then, by contrast no longer live by them?
the harsh reality is that in order to overcome ignorance we must be first fooled by it so that we may be intimate with it.
I agree with you that we are, for the most part, authors of our own life script. The choices we make largely determine what we will experience. However, most of our choices are conditioned by A GREAT LIE that we have been fed from our youth. That lie is that we have successfully accomplished our separation from God and that HE (GOD) wants us to find our way back. Almost all religions teach this lie and are eager to tell us what God wants from us. The truth is that God wants nothing from us because HE IS US!. We act the way we do because we think that we are "doing our own thing" and in charge of our own destiny. Religion is dangerous in that almost all teach that LIE. We have never separated from God. We are merely dreaming that we have. The Hindus are correct. All of this is MAYA (Illusion). The story of the Prodigal Son tells us everything we need to know.
i'm like a walking nyquil advertisement...coughing, drainage, sore throat, over all icky feeling.
but....i don't have anymore days off left so i get to drag my sick ass to work.
hooray corporate america.
dmouse gave you good advice about the Vitamen C. I just got over my cold by taking 1000 mg of C every 4 hours. Also took ALJ, a herbal remedy designed especially for respiratory support. I did take Nyquil one night, but it left me so groggy the next day that I couldn't function.
lately on jwd there have been a number of posts regarding the state of woman in the jw organization.
one lady asks sisters for their thoughts and comments on male dominance over their lives.
i am not a sister but for quite a few years this subject has been on my mind, but i never spoke my thoughts, always waiting for someone else to come up with a clearer explanation of bible texts that seem to indicate that christian woman should keep their mouths shut.. where to start?
The remarks attributed to Paul in Corinthians about women keeping silent cannot be properly understood unless one is aware of what was going on in Corinth at the time. The main occupation in Corinth was the care and entertainment of sailors while their boats were being hauled over the narrow part of Greece by land. This was necessary because the island of Crete was infested with Pirates. Corinth was the San Diego of its day. The religion prevalent in Corinth was worship of Aphrodite, the goddes of fetility and in which women were very prominent. It involved temple prostituion and esoteric utterings by female priests which were then interpreted by the male priests. Many of the early Christian converts to Christianity in Corinth came out of this background and religion and some were attempting to bring their former pagan customs into the new religion. The apostle Paul knew the congregation at Corinth quite well and was very aware of their background. His admonition for the women to remain silent and limitations on "speaking in tounges" reflects his knowlege of their backgrounds. The fundamentalist denominations have taken Paul's advice out of context and used it to subjugate women. The Southern Baptists, for example will not allow a female to occupy a pulpit.