JoinedTopics Started by mayushii
Living with Your Parents Well Into Adulthood the Norm?
by Sorry ini don't want to seem like a jerk.
i know full well economic times are not the greatest.
there's no shame in struggling and staying with your family until you're back on your feet.
JW's arrogant as f...?!
by Alostpuppydog inhas anybody else noticed that almost all the jdubs are super arrogant?
i mean even from just the basic ones to especially the elders and the overseers omg.
they act like they are so high and mighty that you should just worship them.
Disfellowshipped ex-wife Dies - Now What?
by snugglebunny init was a shock despite us being divorced for over 40 years.
my son from that marriage phoned me with the news of sandra's death a couple of days ago, followed by my daughter.. sandra was one of 5 siblings.
the other 4 are still jw's.
Sergei isnt allowed to play violin, but Lindsey is!
by stuckinarut2 inso we all know that the gb have condemned the development of musical talents as shown in the latest movie of young sergei.. yet musical talents are a "gift from god" right??.
the gift of music could help inspire, uplift and "praise" him.
oh but , it could also distract a person and make them mix with "worldly" people... ah ha.... compare that to the mormons (lds).. they encourage musical skills!.
JWR usernames list
by StarryNight9 ini created this thread so that jwr members can list their old jwr username with their username for whatever site they've moved to.
i apologize if this has already been created somewhere else.. jwr = starrynight.
jwd = starrynight9.
JWR archived pages - Wayback Machine
by OrphanCrow inwelcome to the jwr members who have made it over to this forum.. for anyone who needs to grab info from jwr, the pages archived at the wayback machine may be useful.. these are the archived pages from april 14, 2016:.
The best way for a witness to wake up, is to simply read the societies own older publications!
by stuckinarut2 inonce again the society is on a push to scare witnesses away from doing any research, or "stumbling" upon any "apostate" material (from workmates, neighbors, or online).
however, the most enlightening, mind blowing and eye opening things are found simple by reading the early publications themselves!.
read how ct russel, (the supposed channel god was using) had the most far fetched and laughable ideas, such as obtaining pivotal dates by measuring the pyramids of egypt!...
"Confidentiality" of Elders!
by stuckinarut2 insomething struck me the other day.. elders are told to maintain confidentiality with regard to the details of judicial cases or congregation "discipline" in an attempt to dignify individuals etc.. this is even the case for known child abusers!.
yet, if they suspect someone of being an "apostate", for instance being a member on this forum, they will spread such information far and wide, through the witness "grape vine" to congregations miles away (or even in other countries).
so, does that mean they place more importance on "apostasy" rather than child abuse?.
Another traveler from JWR
by StarryNight9 inhi everybody, i'm starrynight from jwr.
that's it... .
Introduction from another JWR Refugee
by 2badsosad inyet another jwr refugee.
been active over there for a while now.
was quiet for the last couple months but just starting to 'reactive' myself again.