JoinedPosts by Duderino
Welfare Queen Asks For Too Much
by Bangalore inwelfare queen asks for too much.. http://thestir.cafemom.com/in_the_news/129629/welfare_queen_asks_for_too.
Who Do You Say Will Be The Republican Nominee For President & Will Obama Lose?
by minimus inyour opinion please:.
Biden 2012!
Who Do You Say Will Be The Republican Nominee For President & Will Obama Lose?
by minimus inyour opinion please:.
SCOAMF doesnt excite anyone anymore either excet people that want to go out and vote him back to community organizing and having Ayers right his books he is like a turd too big too flush but now he is starting to circle the drain.
Do You Honestly Believe ANY Politician Will Make YOUR Life That Much Better?
by minimus ini have to believe that in this day and age, they all suck.. and in the thousands of years of politics, i don't think there's any person or party that made life all that much better.
(except maybe during fdr's reign)....but i'm not sure if all those programs that were instituted didn't produce the mess we're in now..
All they do is make things worse
Wall Street: Why no remorse over their greed?
by compound complex inhttp://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/inside_job_2010/.
greetings, those of you who are more informed on this subject than i:.
i just now finished viewing the movie inside job.
Me too Compound. Its a rough world out here isn't it but its better than living in the Matrix.
Wall Street: Why no remorse over their greed?
by compound complex inhttp://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/inside_job_2010/.
greetings, those of you who are more informed on this subject than i:.
i just now finished viewing the movie inside job.
Its hard to prosecute people when you are on their team.
They run the show, it's going to take a revolution to get things under some modicum of control again.
Berengaria will go right out and vote for that crap again. Stupid is as stupid does.
Further proof of no real message in OCCUPY
by free2beme ini went by a protest today.
someone was holding a sign to "stop big banks now," basically saying they agree with the government taking control of the banks and what they do.
next to this person, was a person holding a sign that said, "make marijuana legal!
Further proof of no real message in OCCUPY
by free2beme ini went by a protest today.
someone was holding a sign to "stop big banks now," basically saying they agree with the government taking control of the banks and what they do.
next to this person, was a person holding a sign that said, "make marijuana legal!
Further proof of no real message in OCCUPY
by free2beme ini went by a protest today.
someone was holding a sign to "stop big banks now," basically saying they agree with the government taking control of the banks and what they do.
next to this person, was a person holding a sign that said, "make marijuana legal!
OCCUPY isnt a political protest it is a crime wave!
Further proof of no real message in OCCUPY
by free2beme ini went by a protest today.
someone was holding a sign to "stop big banks now," basically saying they agree with the government taking control of the banks and what they do.
next to this person, was a person holding a sign that said, "make marijuana legal!
Occupy Whatever stuff
Remember when the Tea Party was in Arizona and that one guy lawfully carried an AR-15 in a sling on his shoulder? Remember how it made the news and how the beltway crowd was really freaking the Hell out? Remember how MSNBC used selective editing to make it look like it was a disheveled white guy when it was really done by a clean cut black guy? And the media went into OMG!!!111 mode?
Funny story. Turns out, theres a bunch of guys at Occupy Phoenix wearing camo, tactical gear and carrying around AR-15s and I haven’t heard a peep about it in the press.
And on the local radio news this morning, it was reported that the folks at Occupy Nashville asked the police for protection because, and I am not making this up, they were camped out near a bunch of homeless people. I guess the 99% swings the other way too?
And NYPD says gun crime is up because of Occupy Wall Street.