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Who Do You Say Will Be The Republican Nominee For President & Will Obama Lose?
by minimus 128 Replies latest jw friends
For the GOP its down to Vanilla or Vanilla with sprinkles on top. If the economy continues to stay steady or improve and employment drops to 8% the President has a good chance of being re-elected.
Blistering article this weekend on Mitt when he headed Bain Capital and all the jobs that were lost and the pension funds that were raided, He's comes out like Gordon Gecko. Newt will also be vetted by the Press.
The electoral map below illustrates how Obama won in 2008.
Can the GOP can win Florida, Virginia, North Carolina, Indiana and Pennsylvania?
Indiana currently 'leans GOP', with the other four States being viewed as a toss-up.
Looks like Obama has given up on Pennsylvania.
If he loses Pennsylvania, he will lose Ohio, and many other states besides. He will win no state that he he didn't carry in 2008: I said this months ago. 2008 is a best case scenario for Obama--and with the financial crisis hitting in September of that year, 2008 was a once in a lifetime outlier. Without it, I believe he would have lost in 2008--or the win would have been on the smallest of possible margins.
Even Krugman has thrown in the towel in this Republican bashing article yesterday.
2012 should be a year of Republican triumph.
Obama is done. Either Gingrich or Romney would beat him. The race is theirs to lose.
Can the GOP can win Florida , Virginia , North Carolina , Indiana and Pennsylvania ?
The GOP will win all of these states.
It will also take control of the Senate, and retain control of the House.
Democrats in elected office up for reelection next year refuse to be seen with Obama at events. He has no coat tails. The Obama era is over.
The only wild card is an Independent/Third Party run.
Given the miserable performance by our current Community Organizer in Chief, the Republicans should be able to dig Richard Nixons body out of the grave and win the presidential election. Even after having learned the tricky dick had an affair with Herman Cains's mistress, studied mormonism with Mitt Romney, had a half million dollar revolving Jewelry account with Christies, was a Klu Klux Klan member and hunted baby seals with Sarah Palin.
But folks, remember that 40+% of Americans pay no taxes, get food stamps and freebies from Washington. They all get one vote too. The establishment wants Mitt and not Newt. I think the establishment will get what they want. I'd like to say he should beat the food stamp president, but I thought Nebraska would beat Northwestern,,,,
The Fourth Reich rears its ugly head. Gucci Man with $100.00 Bills in his wallet or one crazy ass character out of a Dickens novel. What a shame if it happens.
the Republicans should be able to dig Richard Nixons body out of the grave and win the presidential election.
If it is Romney, that is what we will end up with, I suspect. I hope I am wrong.
But folks, remember that 40+% of Americans pay no taxes, get food stamps and freebies from Washington.
Don't forget Wall Street. Favors for the rich, and freebies for the bottom. The productive middle gets the finger.
Even while trying to exploit the Occupy Wall Street movement for political purposes, Obama still leads in financial sector donations, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. He has secured more cash from the financial elite, at this point, than all the GOP candidates combined. He has even raised twice as much as they have from Bain Capital, the venture firm co-founded by Romney.
All the more reason for us in the middle class to get off our backsides, organize, dispense, educate, influence the uneducated masses, that what is best for all is a vibrant economy. It all starts with money folks. Europe is next to the brink because socialism has spent more on entitlements that what it has. This country has been doing the same thing. We need someone to switch the train track. At this point I don't care who it is, just send Obama back to Hawaii or Chicago or Moscow,,,,