ook i'll stick to scratchins.
i love milk chocolate covered raisins and for a real dessert --bostom cream pie..
ook i'll stick to scratchins.
here's a video that shows how they just go through the motions.
one jw is totally not the type to do the door-to-door work, yet he stutters through it and the partner knows it ain't her turn so she offers no help..
just to double sure theres no confusion , i was referring to the youtube poster of the video and not otwo.
here's a video that shows how they just go through the motions.
one jw is totally not the type to do the door-to-door work, yet he stutters through it and the partner knows it ain't her turn so she offers no help..
the video description sums it up. 'Funny jw stuters' while moaning about the woman not helping him.
he's entitled to do his presentation without someone butting in just cos hes taking longer to say it all, so kudos to the lady with him for not patronising him by jumping in to finish sentences or make him look incapable. as exwhy said, he's a grown man and as dan says he's to be admired for his determination, not ridiculed.
describing him as funny.. that says more about the person posting the video. especially as the person they are mocking at least has literacy on their side.
gonna go have 2 coffees now, cos its kinda pissed me off.
the mr is a jw-started back into studying 3 years ago, got baptized 2 years ago.
i've never been one, nor have an interested (was raised catholic, now am a pagan - uu).. i'm just starting this thread to see how you all deal with it.. thanks.
since divorce is only allowed in JW eyes when there's been adultery.
not quite. the gist is....
jws can divorce, they're just not 'scripturally free' to remarry unless adultery has occurred or the divorced other half goes off and sleeps with someone later if they havent divorced for adultery.
'spiritual endangerment' (think the term may have changed a bit,) is an approved reason for divorce, but they still cant remarry until the other person has slept with someone else.
of course if thats been updated someone else will chime in and put me right.
anything that doesnt clash with the swimwear youre advertising would be cool i guess.
i got baptised about 25 years ago and was told the new system would be here by now.. along with a lot of other false promises.. so the answer for me would be no!!
i love milk chocolate covered raisins and for a real dessert --bostom cream pie..
pork rinds....pork scratchings
in your neck of the woods?.
here, it's cooling off and the leaves are already turning.. my g'daughter's team lost a volleyball game on monday evening.. serves her right for being such a boastful little blister!.
uhoh syls flashin the shizzles again
in your neck of the woods?.
here, it's cooling off and the leaves are already turning.. my g'daughter's team lost a volleyball game on monday evening.. serves her right for being such a boastful little blister!.
they grow up soo fast eh tec? glad it went well for him and you can stop worrying
i'm trying to ways to furnish my apartment.
now, unfortunately, i'm going to be renting my furniture because i do not want an empty apartment with only a bed because it'll be my first apartment in like 8 years.
i need my apartment to look elegant.
the only thing i'd say dont scrimp on is your mattress if youre having a normal bed, you can refab a bed base and that will give you more funds for the important bit.
second hand pay fors can get you a bargain too.
i picked up a waterbed for about £100 second hand it was fugly n dirty. the mattress was rubber and washable, the zipped mattress sheet was boilable an came up like brand new. i ditched the old edging and had suedette sewn on instead and that cost me about a tenner, if i wanted to buy the equivalent of how it is now it would cost me at least £1500+ i checked the prices of a new waterbag and that will cost me under £100 if i ever want to replace it. and i didnt want to keep throwin money out on conditioner so i bought a big container of pool conditioner for £30 quid, will last for years.
my sofas are dark brown italian leather 3 and 2 seater comfy monsters, i got those from a charity furniture shop for £50 the pair. theyre far superior to the ones my better off friends have spent a fortune on and had to replace cos the bums have dropped through their sofa seats or their dogs/cats have clawed to bits, they double up as beds if i need space for extra bodies.