Here's a video that shows how they just go through the motions. One JW is totally not the type to do the door-to-door work, yet he stutters through it and the partner knows it ain't her turn so she offers no help.
Video- JW Stutters a Presentation and Partner Stands Silent
by OnTheWayOut 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
cult classic
OTWO - I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Even witnesses who speak fluently may as well have a speech impediment for all the crap we were spewing out... ROFL
I think the poster thought it was funny, but I just thought it was sad. He may have had a speech impediment or he may have never overcome his fear of speaking in front of people.
On the same token I would not interrupt someone who had that disability. You know how people don't want to say "hey you're taking forever, let me do the talking." Most people, I think, try to pretend it isn't happening soas not to embarrass the one with the problem.
Yeah, but they could have worked it out that she would read the scripture. I mean- supposedly, people's everlasting life or destruction is at stake here.
Meeting Junkie No More
Real sad.
life is to short
That is so sad, though I have been out in service with ones who can not do much better at the doors and I have tried to help them but they get mad thinking that I am trying to stop them from proclaiming their faith, so it is really touchy. I hate the embrassment of standing there with the person trying to talk to the householder and you know the householder feels sorry for us having to do this. It is really a no win situation. I have asked my husband why do we send people door to door who truly cannot speak or who do not bath and smell really bad and my husband response is Jehovah said he could make the rocks cry out so he is using everyone.
It is totally crazy.
cult classic
There was a brother whose accent was so think that the householders couldn't understand him. Hell we only understood him because we'd known him so long. It was so embarrassing working with him b/c the householders would always look at us for a translation. So if you worked with him, you basically had to work all of the doors.
cult classic
LITS check your pms
I'm not laughing, and he probably is really a fine person, but this is just one more point of the stupidity that everyone has do preach door to door.