missed this,
glad he's well enough to go home,
hope the rest gets better quickly
i don't post much, so most of you don't know me.
i live in nc near oompa, and he has become a good friend with my wife and i over the last few years.. so as an update, my wife visited oompa today!
he's recovering, but has a long recovery to go.
missed this,
glad he's well enough to go home,
hope the rest gets better quickly
i can expect my coffee pots to malfunction usually about the time the year warranty runs out.
i have gotton the coffeemakers at jip*lmart for the last 10 years or more; none have lasted much longer than a year..ok maybe 18 months at the most.. anyway, since it stopped brewing, i have just been pouring hot water from stovetop over the coffee grinds....sort of the melita way, but it doesn't exactly f l o w like a melita.. i would like to have something non-electric like melita, but i hate that name now because it reminds me of jacarass's ill tempered wife.. can anyone recommend a good coffee maker?.
also, do you find any difference in the quality of a name brand product when it's sold at jip*mart as opposed to a place more upscale?.
my italian friend used to use these perculating contraptions on her stove.
you could use a spice grinder or liquidiser to grind your beans for now.
here is my view on what wt thinks about bedroom laws.....i think of them as bullsh*t!!!
i am sorry, but how the heck can married couples be fornicatiing?????
i mean, anal, i can understand but condemning oral?????
i know its frustrating being at that in between wants to know age, but the site does have guidelines about talking about sexually explicit stuff with minors.
she asked me if i am christian.
i told her that i was raised as a jw, but i do not go to the kingdom hall.
she says that she watch charles stanley and franklin graham on tv.
CB **When I would read your threads I thought you were in your early 20's hunting down women**
ditto. thanks for the heads up.
she asked me if i am christian.
i told her that i was raised as a jw, but i do not go to the kingdom hall.
she says that she watch charles stanley and franklin graham on tv.
**I believe you mentioned you are in your early 40's?**
i don't know what it is ...... but it's becoming disconcerting.
he's going to just have to sit outside the door and wait.
i know it will be dissappointing to him , as he purrs like crazy while gathering in the experience.
mine prefers to share her purrs and gas while making herself at home on my keyboard.
she asked me if i am christian.
i told her that i was raised as a jw, but i do not go to the kingdom hall.
she says that she watch charles stanley and franklin graham on tv.
honesty is commendable,
**I will score less if she find out that I am lying to her. **
**I am still seeing the Spanish chick. I will see her tomorrow.**
so you were straight about already seeing someone?
it is pretty interesting to see the mental, emotional and physical impact that people have when realize the teachings of the org are lies.
i am not going to name any names or point fingers but i can say i have tremendous empathy for those who are recently aware.. let me splane,.
now that i know about the lies that i have been taught and subsequently taught people myself, i have become like a lost person.
what loz said, it takes time but it does ease
something strange (maybe not) is happening to me.
when i come here, or get online and find proof that jehovah's witnesses are not "the truth", or when i talk to my brother and really think stuff through, i'm absolutely convinced that i'm doing the right thing by leaving before i get older and waste more of my life.. but when i'm tired or scared or in some other way not fully active in thought, i still feel guilty and fearful that armageddon will come and i'll regret this.. i had expected that the moment i consciously and in use of reason convinced my self that this wasn't the truth, i'd be mentally free from it.
but i still feel its grip on the back of my mind.. what can i do to get rid of that dissonance (or whatever it's called)?.
sounds pretty normal to me, took a long time for the 'what ifs' to wear off
as for the world being in such a shabby state, sometimes you have to remember that 'good news' doesnt make headlines very often.
the media has long focused on all the crap stuff cos thats what sells. theres still a lot of nice out there it just doesnt get the air time.
the gasket on this car is loose and is prone to overheating, but it won't be a problem for me since this is only going to be my winter jalopy.. has around 160k miles on it and the gasket needs to be tightened after 1500k miles.
yes or no?.
new head gasket could mean new gasket kit... or you could be looking at having the existing head reskimmed or replaced if its warped or cracked?
and when it says 160k...is that the first time round the clock or second? cos thats incredibly low mileage for a car that age?