I just felt free. Free, free, free!
the utter relief at not having to go back is definately a mastercard moment.
nothing spectacular but you may relate to some of my emotions.. it was nearly 5 years ago now.
i had almost left twice before but changed my mind at the last minute.
this time i knew it was for real.
I just felt free. Free, free, free!
the utter relief at not having to go back is definately a mastercard moment.
...though i guess the reasons why are silly.
in a sense, but it makes me wonder on what's to come in the future.. i hate it this time of the year with a wife in the cult who's been taught not to celebrate christmas.
my company is having a holiday party and she agreed to go to one but because we were also bought out and some of us are leaving and moving on, someone decided to have another one with just the employees of our company alone.. i wanted to go to that one too, but i did not want to go alone.
**I often make excuses when people ask me 'where's the wife' when I am at functions that she cannot attend because of her religion**
as a jw that would have made perfect sense to me, but now i've been out for years on the other side of the fence i can say with hand on heart that
**at home with the squits** or **at home with a migraine** would actually work just as well, if not better.
...though i guess the reasons why are silly.
in a sense, but it makes me wonder on what's to come in the future.. i hate it this time of the year with a wife in the cult who's been taught not to celebrate christmas.
my company is having a holiday party and she agreed to go to one but because we were also bought out and some of us are leaving and moving on, someone decided to have another one with just the employees of our company alone.. i wanted to go to that one too, but i did not want to go alone.
you could try the "theyre both holiday leaving parties" ?
so you can say goodbye to your friends.
so, bristol palin is through to the final on dancing with the stars even though it's obvious to everyone with half a brain that she doesn't deserve to be based on her dancing.
she's there simply because the obsessive palin fundies are voting for her.. i thought it was interesting listening to her describe people who think she shouldn't be there as "the haters".. what black and white thinking and typical of the religious / right-wing mentality.
people can't have an opinion that is based on reality and see that better dancers were voted off while she stayed way past her skill level warranted.
i think its viewer payback
usa has palin, while we have anne widdicombe and wagner (strictly/xfactor), no matter how bad they are they get the votes that keep them in.
thankyou for the clarification.
finally i registered today.
being a lurker for quite some months, i convinced myself it is time to give my own 2 pence from time to time.
i am living in europe and i am still 'in', although by now i must be counted as an inactive jw.
just asking to check, in case i'm reading that in the wrong way.
I said something embarrassing about Lady Lee in 3 threads that I started. Guess what? All of those 3 threads disappeared. If Lady Lee was not a mod, maybe those topics would have stay there. LOL!
do you mean to give the impression you think its a big/clever thing to do?
the weekly tms bible reading assignment is not read, or not carefully read, by most of the sheeples.
it doesn't really matter, because the consideration of the bible reading material is one of the shortest parts on the meeting with a limited number of comments, and those comments are restricted to less than 30 seconds or you will get counselled.
over and over, the dubs are told to read the bible, yet the organization gives no real encouragement to read the bible by keeping everyone busy in the recruiting work and using relatively few scriptures in their "talks".. why?
the inbreeding must have been horrific.
i just got a call from jamie this afternoon, saying she found her husband in the bathroom, not breathing.
i've not had the chance to speak to her, she left me a voice mail.
but i'm very worried.
hope theyre both ok