So, Bristol Palin is through to the final on Dancing with the Stars even though it's obvious to everyone with half a brain that she doesn't deserve to be based on her dancing. She's there simply because the obsessive Palin fundies are voting for her.
I thought it was interesting listening to her describe people who think she shouldn't be there as "the haters".
What black and white thinking and typical of the religious / right-wing mentality. People can't have an opinion that is based on reality and see that better dancers were voted off while she stayed way past her skill level warranted. No, anyone who disagrees is a "hater" and their opinions can then be conveniently dismissed.
Well Bristol dear, I don't hate you ... I'd just rather see people DANCING instead of you stomping around on stage.
If she wins the competition (which is very possible) then the farce will be plain to see for everyone.
Of course there are then echoes in politics where people are elected based on ... what? their skills? or just because the unthinking zealots are rounded up and told to vote for them.