"God creates man. So in someway man is designed by God. Now for some reason which is either a natural law which god cannot break, an error on his part or done on purpose, man is able to become imperfect. So either God could not foresee this or he carried on despite knowing what would happen if man turned imperfect."
What you are missing is free will. God could have made us like plants, set by laws to form, function and grow, and then die; he has already done that with plants. He could have made us like animals, set by laws, instincts, and limited intellect and limited freedom from the overlying instinct; and he has already done that with animals.
He made us with fleshly bodies and minds that were capable of higher being, intellect, spirituality and true free will to choose between good and bad. The freedom to choose bad is the whole point of free will, without that we would not be free. It doesn't matter if most choose bad, as that is their privilege to decide that. If you wish to live like an animal and disregard spirituality and function solely on instincts, then that is your choice, but don't expect him to pick up the pieces, or bring you back when you return to the dust that you came from. If you wish to live like an animal then you should also expect the same destiny as an animal, eternal non-existence.
He also doesn't expect us to be perfect, and I'm sure he feels there is enough in the world and scriptures to prove his existence. Others may disagree and want a personal visitation, but he obviously sees there is enough in the world to get to know him and live a good life, whether you choose to open up to that or not is another aspect of free will. I'm sure he wants people to know him and Jesus because they want to, not because of selfish reasons or because they have had it all put on a plate in front of them and need little effort, or sincere faith to know him.
I find it amusing that humans screw up the world, and then expect God to jump to attention and make it all good so they can then screw it up all over again, why the heck should he? We are all damn lucky to even exist! Any one of us could die tomorrow, we should all count our blessings, and stop expecting others to wave a magic wand and make our lives ideal. Shit happens, and nearly all of it is from humans, not God. He has his timetable, and will sort reality out when he wishes, until then he makes it very clear that we are all capable of living a good life, and that is all he's asking, he owes us nothing but we owe him everything, especially if we somehow think he should give us immortality and a wonderful life all for nothing!