To Yerusalyim:
Unfortunately, I live in the socialist republic of Connecticut, where alimony is virtually automatic as long as the man makes more money than the woman (women virtually never get hit with alimony, regardless of income). The courts make no bones about the fact that the sole intent of alimony is to equalize income, and circumstances are rarely brought into the equation. The judge basically looks at two numbers, the man's earnings and the woman's earnings (the judge may at times consider living expenses as well), and whatever number is needed to make the two of them equal is what the guy pays. In my ex-wife's case, she was working three days a week as a waitress and understating her cash tips. It wouldn't have been an issue that she could have worked full time, or that maybe she was making more in tips than she claimed - the burden of proof for the latter would have been on me, and she would have claimed that she could only work three days because her back hurts. Guess what; so does mine, but I work every day anyway.
Connecticut's socialism shows through in other ways, too. Unemployment compensation is distributed almost automatically, without regard to the manner in which one leaves a job. In theory, one who quits is not entitled to benefits, nor is one fired for misconduct. But, in practice, employers never win hearings unless the claimant fails to appear. A friend of mine is a manager for a linen supply company, who fired a delivery driver for stealing cash off his route. When the driver applied for unemployment benefits, the hearing officer decided that stealing cash was "poor judgment," not misconduct, and awarded benefits.
And, of course, if you're a professional welfare recipient, it's well known that Connecticut is one of the best places to be...
I am SO glad to be moving out of this left-wing, socialistic nightmare of a state when I get married this Sunday!
And, by the way, having your cousin Guido pay her a visit probably would have been cheaper, even this close to NYC where (I understand) the rates are high!!
"The truth was obscure, too profound and too pure; to live it you had to explode." ---Bob Dylan