Your view? Please share. Try and stick to the point.
I was baptised as a JW. I truly believed I had the truth. I do not think now that I did. I think I was wrong. Maybe in time I will change my viewpoint.
With this in mind I don't think it is wise on my part to judge God's actions. God as creator of everything including so many things of which I have no knowledge must surely be in a better position to judge.
In the Bible when those who went into the wilderness were provided with manna they complained at times about it. If God were to provide food miraculously today we would still have problems of disease, wars, poverty, natural disasters ect. No doubt some would complain why doesnt he do something about these problems. As a JW we believed he would intervene and bring the destruction of the wicked and provide a paradise earth. Some would complain about God's intervention in this way. They would rather limit him to what they see fit as an intervention and so remove his Godship. Then if he is not God he has no need to intervene.
On a personal level I think of Christ's message on giving and the Widow's mite. Giving from our needs. Do I really practise giving. Before I criticise God do I really give out of my needs. Could I sell up and move to a cheaper location and give my extra money to the starving, could I donate a weeks wage and live on the bare essentials or would I rather complain as to why God doesnt save me the trouble and provide for these people.
God's provision of his son as a ransom for all in my view provides the greatest relief possible from all of man's ills and then I wonder as to whether he really needed to do it.
That's my view at this time.