when we watch those movies, we always make fun of really how unreal the settings are.
in regards to the prodigal son movie, i think they made it look like, the son had everything at home and was financially well off so it wouldnt make sense for him better yet, it was dumb of him, to leave. obviously in the mind of the WT the better option would had been to set spiritual goals and just live of their parents money, since they offered it to him anyway. but what they dont explain is, that probably his parents didnt have spiritual goals, thats how they obtained the house and the money in the first place.
also, just because you have a secular work, in town, doesnt mean that you will start to fornicate. of course the dangers from the WT perspective are there, but so are the dangers of fornication inside the congregation. i know tons of examples where baptised jws did it.
in our congregation we have the pioneers / MS / young elders who work part time and struggle to survive every month. we also have one elder, who just recently became an elder, after he sold his company and finally set aside some time to aux pioneer, until he worked his way up to first become an MS and then an elder. conviently he only aux pioneered until the CO came and he got the appointment.
what i mean is only the minority of the JWs can live a luxurious life and still pioneer! if they depeict the average joe jw who pioneers and struggles every month to meet ends meet in a movie, nobody would want to pioneer anymore!