Seems that our fellow ExJWs in Japan also were interested in the protests:
Maybe they'll want to organize one themselves? :)
i'd like to show you a short video i made about exjw activism in poland..
i'm one of the people responsible for those information campaigns/protests, so you can ask me anything you like.
there's a lot i didn't show on the video because of the limited time i have for editing, i have tons of footage more.
Seems that our fellow ExJWs in Japan also were interested in the protests:
Maybe they'll want to organize one themselves? :)
i'd like to show you a short video i made about exjw activism in poland..
i'm one of the people responsible for those information campaigns/protests, so you can ask me anything you like.
there's a lot i didn't show on the video because of the limited time i have for editing, i have tons of footage more.
Can I send you a pm so you can let me know when next events are planned for Warsaw? I would love to drop by and say hello.
Definitely! The next protest will be held in few weeks in Nadarzyn near Warsaw. We'll announce the exact date when we know it, but feel free to contact me at [email protected] if you want to be notified.
i'd like to show you a short video i made about exjw activism in poland..
i'm one of the people responsible for those information campaigns/protests, so you can ask me anything you like.
there's a lot i didn't show on the video because of the limited time i have for editing, i have tons of footage more.
However I suppose it takes all kinds of methods to be employed to reach as many people as we can.
A dent here a dent their ,here their and everywhere and sooner or later a breach is made in the wall enslaving a Jehovah`s Witness to the cult masquerading as "The True Religion"
That are exactly my thoughts. Doing this plus what's on Youtube plus various fantastic online resources for learning more about JWs - all this together has a unique opportunity to push this cult into irrelevancy so they hardly get any new converts and will slowly die.
i'd like to show you a short video i made about exjw activism in poland..
i'm one of the people responsible for those information campaigns/protests, so you can ask me anything you like.
there's a lot i didn't show on the video because of the limited time i have for editing, i have tons of footage more.
czy ty jesteś Polakiem?Yes, I am polish :).
The Polish are/where coming to Britain where there now 50 Polish congegations....That's true, but the mass emigration to UK and other countries already happened several years ago, and for the last few years, at least from my observations not many new people went to UK. Also keep in mind that in the same time we had a big influx of immigrants from Ukraine, so that should pretty much cancel itself out. But we still noted highest decreases ever.
i'd like to show you a short video i made about exjw activism in poland..
i'm one of the people responsible for those information campaigns/protests, so you can ask me anything you like.
there's a lot i didn't show on the video because of the limited time i have for editing, i have tons of footage more.
I would suggest that ex-JW activists avoid doing the same thing even if it is something that the children enjoy
I generally agree with you, but its not that we want to engage kids in the protests to grab attention. If they are there it is usually because the parents wouldn't have anyone to leave them with while they're away, especially because some of those people traveled quite far to participate. Parents of this boy with a sign came all the way from Berlin, Germany (about 500 kilometers away from where the protest was held) and they didn't really have any family to leave him with back there.
I am sure that it has helped untold numbers of Polish JWs to give careful thought to what is happening in JW organization
This is already happening in Poland I think, the latest Yearbook showed a -2% decrease, second largest world-wide. Factoring in the baptisms, more than 3500 JWs left the org during last service year. Even if you say that 1% died, that's still ~2500 who left. And this trend is not new, Poland has not seen any growth for last 10 years :).
i'd like to show you a short video i made about exjw activism in poland..
i'm one of the people responsible for those information campaigns/protests, so you can ask me anything you like.
there's a lot i didn't show on the video because of the limited time i have for editing, i have tons of footage more.
I'd like to show you a short video I made about ExJW activism in Poland.
I'm one of the people responsible for those information campaigns/protests, so you can ask me anything you like. There's a lot I didn't show on the video because of the limited time I have for editing, I have tons of footage more. A full blown report will probably come some time later, but I wanted to put something out before the Warwick protest.
I understand that some of you may not like this kind of activism, but hopefully this video shows that it can be done in a peaceful, dignified manner. We have reports of both non-, ex- and current JWs who were moved by those actions and that lead them to breaking free from the cult or prevented them from joining in the first place. That is why I think doing this kind of work (alongside everything else people do) is necessary.
tl;dr: if you live either in scotland or in other parts of uk and you don't mind traveling, you might be able to help a fellow ex-jw by being present during a courtcase where she alone has to face more than two dozens of jws who have ruined their business.
please contact me directly for details on when and where the court case will be held (i will know these details in few days probably).
Sorry for not putting up any update about the situation in this thread, I've forgot to add a reply here as well. I posted an update on Reddit few months ago:
Main takeaway - I was deceived and forwarded information that I didn't scrutinize enough, for which I am sorry. In the future I will not post about anything that I personally didn't verify to be true.
watch it here: . .
the protest was organized by a former jw elder and pioneer couple - alex and iza.
@darkspilver: I wrote about that on Reddit some time ago: Sorry for not updating about the situation here.
watch it here: . .
the protest was organized by a former jw elder and pioneer couple - alex and iza.
Watch it here:
The protest was organized by a former JW elder and pioneer couple - Alex and Iza. Around 60-80 former JWs and people who are interested in the subject came to the city square in Wrocław (population of about 600k - 1M in metro area). There held signs and posters saying "Protect your family from Jehovah's Witnesses", "Give us our families back", "You will not learn from JWs what does the Bible really teach", "In JW congregations victims of abuse are silenced" and "Read the confession of former Governing Body member". Additionally on this weekend a radio ad was ran telling people in Wroclaw about the protest, and a 6x3 meter mobile banner with the phrase "Protect your family from Jehovah's Witnesses" and some Ex JW Youtube channel names was driving across the streets. Hundreds of flyers were also distributed. All those materials pointed to a website - ("breakingthesilence") - which contains more information about shunning, blood ban and links to other resources both in polish and english.
A small group also went to a local Kingdom Hall complex of 4 halls and spent some time there with the signs and banners, standing silently near the entrance. Hundreds of JWs were passing by in disbelief because it was probably the first time in their lives they saw something like this.
As an effect in the following week this topic was discussed in almost every JW congregation and online groups. Even though they were laughing at it (because what else could they do) I am convinced that some of them probably were curious how Jehovah could let something like this happen. Plus the main reason the protest was held was to educate the general public about the JW practices, which with the help of local media was a big success. There was also another TV report which was even more damning, because at the end they've reached to the JW press representative. And guess what - they've declined to comment.
A longer report with interviews with former JWs is in the making. Also, there are already plans for another protest which will be held this summer in Poland's capitol - Warsaw. Everyone is invited, even if you don't speak Polish. If you want to participate, you can write to [email protected].
thank you to john redwood for making this available so quickly.
If anyone wishes to download the hearings in a bit higher quality for further processing, they can be found here in 720p: