What a shame. Poor souls.
Posts by erbie
More bad press for Jehovah's Witnesses!... Mother murders two children.
by koolaid-man inhttp://armenianow.com/news/31667/armenia_mother_murderer_ararat_town.
select edition english ??????
?local news, global audiencemonday, september 12, 2011 last update 1 day ago </form></form></form></form>presidents .
Poll: What do you believe now?
by Lunatic Faith ini have been noticing we ex-jw's are very different in our choices of beliefs once we leave the wts.
some choose christianity, others flee christianity.
some find they can't beieve in anything any more.
Well, I reckon I just believe in what seems realistic and plausible. I'm not sure exactly where that leaves me and I don't feel any pressure or urgency to take on a belief system just for the sake of it.
I don't believe in a god who would slaughter billions of people, I know that. I belive in freedom of speech, freedom of expression and the right to dispute something that is a complete nonsense.
What good is punishment after you die?
by Lore inwhen your child disobeys, you punish him.
simple answer: so he will listen next time and won't disobey again.. if the child has a learning disorder and is incapable of learning from the punishment, odds are you will stop punishing him and will deal with his condition in other ways.. we punish children in order to change their behavior.
if the punishment does not promote a change in behavior the punishment is useless and possibly evil.. .
That sounds like a lot of suffering for a very long time indeed. Ouch!
I'm sure I must have done something to deserve it.
Peace to you. Again, Peace. The flames are lapping at my ankles. Peace! Peace damn you!
Fallout from the apostate-bashing WT article?
by cedars ini've noticed there are a few excellent threads on here about sunday's 9/11 watchtower study.
my own analysis of its more blatantly farcical claims (including that of apostates being "mentally diseased") can be seen here.. what i really wanted to know is - what has the fallout been?
has it created any horror-stories within people's families or homes, etc?
It's funny how they have to label people as mentally diseased just because they choose to think for themselves!
I suppose it's the most powerful weapon in their arsenal, creating labels for people.
Just thinking aloud.
Fallout from the apostate-bashing WT article?
by cedars ini've noticed there are a few excellent threads on here about sunday's 9/11 watchtower study.
my own analysis of its more blatantly farcical claims (including that of apostates being "mentally diseased") can be seen here.. what i really wanted to know is - what has the fallout been?
has it created any horror-stories within people's families or homes, etc?
Outlaw, you are good!
I love Mutley and his dastardly deeds.
And of course, we are all mentally deseased (naturally). Otherwise we'd all be skulking off back to the Kingdom Halls right?
Especially with all the trouble in the world.
S##t, is that the time. I'd better get moving before the meeting finishes!
What good is punishment after you die?
by Lore inwhen your child disobeys, you punish him.
simple answer: so he will listen next time and won't disobey again.. if the child has a learning disorder and is incapable of learning from the punishment, odds are you will stop punishing him and will deal with his condition in other ways.. we punish children in order to change their behavior.
if the punishment does not promote a change in behavior the punishment is useless and possibly evil.. .
It's all myths and legends to me. I must admit that I do like to think that there is a creator but religion is a tree in which all the foulest birds of the earth have come to roost. If I remember correctly that is a quote from A Pilgrims Progress. In any case, I think that truer words were never spoken.
I guess I just try not to confuse the God of creation or mother nature, whoever that may be, with the cruel and relentless god of the Watchtower followers.
Someone needs to come down hard on these clowns!
Love the Richard Dawkins quote, Shador. He lives just down the road from me. I know active Jehovah's who read his books.
Shredding the Organised to Accomplish Our Ministry book
by scotsman injust read through the 2011 letters to usa boe and the 8 february one on disposing of old wt books/magazine struck me as apparently the co needs to authorise their disposal.
what really intrigued me was that the om book was required to have it's cover removed and the pages "shredded".. was everyone in the congegation asked to shred their personal copies too?.
Designs! Yes, precisely. When you have been away from it for some time it does seem bizarre. It's like a lot of childish nonsense. I burned all my old books. One heck of a fire. Hotter than the firey furnace!
Actually, in truth, here's what we did as a family. My fourteen year old son put an axe through every single book (four bin loads). Then we put them in a pile and set fire to them. We turned our backs to the fire, wiped our feet on the grass and promised ourselves never to look back.
Morbid? I dont know but it sure did get rid of a few demons! And our household feels less weighed down after 16 years of Watchtower.
I love it.
WT Nov. 1, 2011 (public) - When Was Ancient Jerusalem Destroyed - Part 2
by AnnOMaly inout now.. yes, yes, yessssss!
on p. 26-27 they talk about how the lunar positions on vat 4956 fit 588/7 bce!!!.
"clearly, much of the astronomical data in vat 4956 fits the year 588 b.c.e.
This makes my head hurt!
Please do not give any credence to what the Tower say with respect to 607. It's a laughing stock.
The only reason 607 is worth a passing mention is because of its necessity as regards 1914 which proved to be a huge miscalculation indeed.
Instead of admitting they were wrong they invented the false teaching of the invisible return.
So, for all of you Watchtower supporters here, please try to convince me that Christ returned in 1914. If you can do that then 607 becomes irrelevant because we have to accept that you are the true religion. And if you are the true religion, you can say that the Jewish Temple was destroyed in 1956 and I have to believe you because you are God's mouthpiece.
So again, convince me that Christ returned in 1914. JUST TRY!!!
Before you try to do this, please keep in mind what the bible says will happen when He does return. More than a few false teachers wandering around peddling second rate magazines thats for sure.
In fact, even you won't sleep through it!
"THEY" are here right now. I don't want them to come around again, ever!!
by trailerfitter inokay ,, this is a question and a confession.
we have had an issue come to a head in this household of mine.
after getting to the bottom of my parners intentions i have given her an ultimatum knowing all too well she will choose the jws over myself and family.
This is a difficult one which I have read with great interest.
If I may, I would like to offer some suggestions.
If you have decided that the relationship has run its course then there is not much we can do. If, however, you would like to win your partner back from the Watchtower then you will have to be clever. Because they are. Make no mistake about that. I do not say that they are wise but clever in a deceitful way. You will need to play them at their own game by showing your partner (and them) that you are a reasonable honest person who wants the very best for your family. That is your priority! It is your family, not theirs. If you get angry or unreasonable then you will prove them right in your wifes eyes and reinforce her faith in them and what they say.
They are very slippery people to deal with and it is never easy or straight forward but they can be outwitted I assure you.
May I offer you some hope. My wife was raised as a Witness, became a regular pioneer (full time minister) for some years while I was serving as a ministerial servant for a number of years. I decided to leave as the double standards became more apparent. Over the course of about five years (yes five) my wife decided for herself that she did not want the truth (lies) any more. Now she hates the Watchtower more than I ever could because she feels so deceived.
The point is that you have to be patient and learn to play the game. Never argue with them. Because once you engage them in an argument you are unwittingly giving acknowledgement of their lies. Dismiss what they say with silence. Treat what they say as ignorant, uneducated nonsense which is all it is.
Others may have won victory in other ways and I would never say that mine is the only way but it worked for me. I wish you the very best.
Judge Rutherford steps off a curb, is struck by a truck and dies.....
by Terry inpastor charles taze russell died on a train outside pampas texas in october of 1916.. shortly afterward a phonecall was placed to j.f.rutherford that "the old man is dead.".
as we all know, rutherford wasted no time.
he engineered a series of moves that placed himself at the helm of a publishing company.
Well, one day we can ask him what was really going on in his tiny mind! While we, the horny handed sons of toil, are working up a sweat planting and sowing in the new order, he will be sitting in heaven governing our every move. What a wonderful and uplifting thought brothers and sisters!!! What joys we can partake of!
If we are really lucky (oops) he may even pop down to see us so we can partake of his wisdom.