For all the people on here who are anti SUV, some of us need an SUV because of where we live (due to flooding and snow etc. or as a work vehicle). The road tax on my 4x4 is now over £500 per annum!!!
I'm punished for living where I do and for having a profession that requires that I drive accross rough terrain. I guess they would like us all to drive tiny cars but that is simply not an option for me.
Trust me, I would love to walk to work but until I can semi-retire that will not happen.
Yes indeed, there is a lot of money being made from so called 'carbon tax' and still we have more pot-holes than ever because the money does not get used for what it is intended.
And what the hell has road tax got to do with emissions anyway???
This is a rediculous idea formulated by the last Labour government and is in fact just another feature of their 'class war' which was waged on people living in the countryside who drive SUV's and ride their horses.
Good riddance to them (New Labour) and may they never return!!!