Quite so, this is the crux of the issue. The GB do not need money, neither does it interest them beyond the purpose of serving 'their' organization. They have the ultimate power over human souls which is something that no money can buy.
People who say that the religion is sincere because the people at the top do not take money out for themselves need to 'WAKE UP' and stop being so silly. The times I have tried to get this point accross, well, it makes me weary just to think about it.
Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
There is a very important reason why so many sisters idolize the GB, elders, CO's etc. It is because they are yearning for a 'perfect' male figure that they can respect and follow. They are close enough to their husbands to know their imperfections and flaws. The GB on the other hand are quite distant and removed and therefore much easier to idealize and worship.
I have seen it first hand on CO visits. I seriously think that if he had asked the sisters to have sex with him they would have, and the husbands would probably have felt honoured to let him inseminate their wives.
The sister you mention, I bet she doesn't even laugh at her husband's jokes!