I made a huge mistake

by KariOtt 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • KariOtt

    Its been a tough 6 months for my jw hubby and myself. Next Saturday is our anniversary. I wasn't sure we would make it with the turbulance of the last 6 months. I wanted to make this one special. I planned on making a nice romantic dinner. Shrimp Scampi. I special ordered a Plumeria flower arrangement. His favorite flower. I searched for the perfect card and found it. I found his favorite hazelnut chocolate candy and bought them. I saved for months to pay for the dress watch I got him. Arranged for him to be gone long enough for me to get everything ready. Sounds great right? I had hoped so. The mistake comes in to play when hubby found out I bought a gold cross and chain for myself. Since all this was to be a suprise and he has never gotten me anything for our anniversary I took it upon myself to get a gift for me. The mistake is not getting a gift for myself it was what I got. A cross. He's jw. I am not. I'm taking the cross and chain back.

  • stillin

    Sounds like your husband is a spoiled brat.how did he happen to marry "not in The Lord" if he is so righteous.

    Even so, I commend you your peacemaking efforts. Wish my wife cared half that Much!

  • Jeffro


    The mistake comes in to play when hubby found out I bought a gold cross and chain for myself. Since all this was to be a suprise and he has never gotten me anything for our anniversary I took it upon myself to get a gift for me. The mistake is not getting a gift for myself it was what I got. A cross. He's jw. I am not. I'm taking the cross and chain back.

    Did he appreciate everything else? If he only focussed on the piece of jewellery, he's a prick. If he's a nice guy, it could have been just a two-second distraction from an otherwise happy occasion.

    He could say something like: "I'd really prefer if you didn't have a gold cross. Let me buy you something else." Problem solved.

    I hope you were still able to have a nice anniversary.

  • Hortensia

    Prick is my vote, too.

  • ldrnomo

    Jehovah's Witnesses are NOT tolerant people

  • cofty

    Wow you made a wonderful effort.

    One day maybe he will wake up and shudder at how he reacted.

  • JakeM2012

    Kariott, "huge mistake", NOT,. What real man could be even upset with a woman that did all that for a six month anniversary. You've taken the exemplary high road in marital and religious tolerance by exchanging the cross for a 3.5 carrot princess cut diamond ring right? Now We are talking biblical peaceableness here.

  • perfect1

    weird that you bought your own gift.

  • Mr Fool
    Mr Fool

    Sad to hear. If you are happy, he too should be be happy just seeing you happy.

  • laverite

    perfect1 - how is that weird? I make it a habit of buying gifts for myself.

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