This is a contentious issue here in Europe where people are very quick to brand others a racist or right wing moron.
I consider myself neither of those but I am uncomfortable with religion and in particular, Islam. However, I do not believe it will dominate the world as they claim. Indeed, how could it when it is so backward. Nevertheless, I do see the policy of allowing more Muslims into our civilised countries as a giant step backwards and one that we are already, in part, paying the price for. Sweden has been mentioned numerous times and yes, just look at the detrimental effect Muslims have had on that lovely country with their violence against women and lack of integration.
I despair when I see the lack of leadership and backbone so prevalent within the EU and I do honestly believe that history will in some way repeat itself; native populations will see their countries overrun by an unwanted and unhealthy influence and exercise their own human right to exist in a free and safe society without religious persecution.
I'm reluctant to state that I am ahead of the game but I am wise enough to figure out that you cannot control a persons natural tendency to free thought unless it is by force or coercion. And unless our politicians are prepared to literally force us to accept Muslims I see no way out of this problem. In short, we are essentially the same as that which we see in the animal kingdom - if we feel threatened we either flee or defend ourselves. Many of the Jews in Europe have fled from Islamic hatred to where they consider it safe. Most of us, however, will not flee because this is our home. Our ancestors fought for freedom rather than running away from oppression and war and I for one feel eternally indebted to them for that. Many lives were sacrificed for freedom during the last two wars, too many to allow it to be overrun by a religious ideology that despises anyone who does not practice said religion.
It is the religion I despise, not the people and I recognise no boundaries (skin colour etc) that should prevent us all from living together peaceably.
I do see the onslaught of Muslims heading for 'refuge' as a threat to security but I also believe that at some point they must stop running away from their problems, develop a love for their own country and fight to make it a better place if indeed that is what they want.
It also frustrates me that Muslims fleeing Islamic countries strive to enforce the very same religion in Europe that has caused them to flee oppression and war in the first place. The mind boggles and this is why I am inclined to think that, as with most persons of a religious disposition, Muslims do not actually know what they want which, in part, explains their lack of desire for progress and to make their own country a better place. It is far less taxing on the brain for them to flee to a democratic society where they are free to obsess over their religion.
Mankind should never have created the gods.