I have thought long and hard on this subject and the conclusion that I have come up with is that people believe what they want to believe to the point that if you really want to believe something badly enough then you will.
In short, I think that the GB want to believe in their own teachings so much that they really do believe it or they have conditioned their own minds to unquestioningly accept it as truth.
If you think about it, it's not rocket science, if you accept something and do not allow yourself to question it or look at it objectively then your mind has no choice but to believe it as truth or whatever the mind perceives truth to be.
In any case, I think that the idea that people believe what they want to is the only exlanation for how humans can accept nonsense as truth.
Worryingly, this leads me to question myself thus: Did the WT brainwash me or did I brainwash myself because of the desire to beleive in a wonderful new paradise earth.
Come on guys, ignore the WT connection, who wouldn't want to live in a place like that. I know I would.