In many ways it really is a 'refuge' for persons with mental health issues, uneducated, socially disfunctional, simple, naive etc.
The list is endless.
Neverajw made the point earlier that he would not attempt to awaken the person and I totally agree as it is rather like awakening someone from the Matrix (no joke intended).
Some people are genuinely happier and perhaps healthier within the confines that the cult has placed around them.
I have personally made people 'aware' of the duplicity of the WT and they have ended up hating me for it.
It is good to expose untruth in general but some individuals are very delicate and this should be kept in mind.
I always think of the Dr. Who episode in which the Cyber-Men become concious of the fact that they were once human with the result that they are unable to live with the pain of that recollection.
I know it is a simple parallel but I remember watching it with my kids and immediately making that connection.
I too have suffered since my departure and have, on occaision, felt the urge to return.
I now realize that this was due to a lack of purpose and attainable goals in the REAL world and I have take steps to remedy this.
Successfully I hope...