Its when they start selling them back to themselves that we need to start worrying...
Or not...
it cracks me up if you bring this subject up to a witness , they always try to convince themselves that i'm reading into this!!!.
Its when they start selling them back to themselves that we need to start worrying...
Or not...
or is it just wishful thinking on our parts?.
Many of them have been JW's for so long it would be crushing and humiliating for them to give up now.
Even though I was a JW for just a few years people would still ask me, "how can you believe in it one minute and abandon it the next".
It is a valid question if you think about it and it did come from very astute people.
I was forced to give it a lot of thought and am left wondering if anyone really buys into it 100% or whether we just go along with it because it sounds so good and gives us a 'purpose' in life.
The subconscious mind is a complicated thing, that much I do know...
The GB certainly don't believe it because they are the ones with the steering wheel and are the ones who keep changing everything.
Indeed, how could they really believe in it?
i may be suffering twice for having left the jehovah's witnesses and watching my jw wife and other family members stay in.
once for the changed situation (or loss) and another time for expecting to make progress in getting over it.. the 1969 book on death and dying by elisabeth kubler-ross introduced us to the kubler-ross model , commonly referred to as the " five stages of grief.
" they are very helpful, but the original idea of the book and the hypothesis was that when a person is faced with the reality of impending death , he or she will experience a series of emotional stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.. it isn't always the case, but those stages are often felt by terminally ill patients.
Can be very difficult to move on but that's why we all come together here bro.
Here, we are all equals and we help each other out.
Even if it means just having a laugh and a joke
i posted the comment below on another thread on elders stepping down.
although i left the jw's years ago, i still hold a fascination for the evolution of the religion and am curious on what future trends and developments may occur.
so i thought i would start a thread on what future changes you think will occur in the organisation as the years go by, either doctrinally or organisationally:.
I predict a riot...
if you had the pleasure of hearing the watchtower today what a good way to cover their tracks right after the am!
so if their is any doubts they will scare it out of the rank and file!
i have to give it to them they did their best to plan this out along with all the new light i guess it was to trya and stop the internal bleeding.
You hit that nail bang on the head Terry
if the "faithful & discreet slave" are no longer the 144,000 but only 8 men... isn't this a huge stepback for jw women's rights?.
Valid point...
i have just seen in the flesh , or paper , the new nwt .
my witness friends were delighted with it showing me all the new features like the glossary of terms and explanations of the hows and whys .
i did ask about actual content , acting daft not letting on that i knew anything about it .
Black sheep has it folks.
It is not our responsibility to prove them wrong, it is for them to prove themselves right and they themselves know that they can never do that.
Hence their relentless and defensive argumentation on the matter.
It matters so much to them because deep down they know that they are living a fairy tale lie with no substance to it.
The whole thing is a travesty.
green was, with the druids, a symbol of hope and the virtue of hope with a freemason illustrates the hope of immortality.
in all the ancient mysteries, this idea was carried out, and green symbolized the birth of a new world, the moral creation of the initiate.
hence the new world translation of the holy scriptures.. on the other hand, the color grey in high-ranking freemasonry is said to simbolize a 7-year period of tribulation and turmoil.. given the masonic origins of the watchtower bible & tract society, it's quite possible that the worldwide masonic powers to be have already set in motion the wheels of "tribulation" which started with the government shutdown in the us and will end with a zionist objective that we are yet to see 7 years from now..
Yeah, I think you're definitely bang on the money with this one Caleb.
That's it then, they've been rumbled
ala beyonce & lady gaga?.
They are both as mad as snakes!
In truth, the sisters will read those bibles a lot more than the GB ever will.