In the congregation where I was an elder we met every month to go on shepherding calls.
A controversy arose amoung the elders related to whether or not you could count time for a shepherding call. I was with the PO who insisted that you could count time but only if there was an unbaptized person present when we meet.
So, we go to this family. Mom and Dad were waiting for us. The PO asked where the kids are. They replied that they are in bed. They thought that sending the kids to bed early would give them more time to talk to us. They may have had things they wanted to talk to us about without the kids around.
The PO says: "Go wake up the children, they need to be here." They wake up the kids, and for the next hour and a half the PO goes on an on about some stupid point. It was like a talk that had no beginning or end. The whole time the kids sat there in silence not knowing what the hell was going on. Most of the kids were half asleep.
As we were walking back to the care, the PO told me to be sure to count your time because there were unbaptized kids there.