has decided that they have FULFILLED
Deciding that you are something does not make it so.
i must have got the same e-mail that drew sagan got.. only mine had a different twist to it.
mine said............. " the faithful and discret slave has decided that they have fulfilled the scripture at matthew 24:14 !.
the advice was to get your affairs in order.
has decided that they have FULFILLED
Deciding that you are something does not make it so.
i was just reading the convention thread..the wbt$ tells jehovah`s witness`s which hotels they can and cannot stay in..i`ve been out a long time,so this is news to me..wbt$ continues to expand thier control over jehovah`s witness`s..jehovah`s witness`s continue to give up more and more of thier personal freedom to a publishing company.this has continued for as long as i can remember..make no mistake,wbt$ will come up with many more rules for jehovah`s witness`s to follow...what new moronic rules do you see the wbt$ imposeing on jehovah`s witness`s?...outlaw
I'm surprised they don't come up with recommended restaurant lists too.Just don't forget to wear your lapel card when eating at the restaurant. Did anyone actually DO this???
I used to on occassion.
Also, another restaurant rule: Don't go to one at the session lunch break. Bring your lunch so you can enjoy the spiritual environment. Also, so you don't stray too far off site and not come back. Or, spend all your contribution money on restuarant food.
this news story came out today and i was surprised that we haven't had a lively discussion about it.
it brought to mind some of the ideas we discussed on the "is circumcision child abuse?
" thread.. ashley is now 9 years old.
Not that it matters what I think but....
I will side with the parents on this one. They did the right thing and their logic is correct.
just sort of curious about this, i know it has probably been done a gazillion times but let me do it again.
1.do you believe in a personal god who takes interest in you as an individual?
2.do you believe that the bible was written by god?
1.Do you believe in a personal God who takes interest in you as an individual?
Two questions - I believe in God, am not sure if that means a personal god.
I do not believe he is interested in individuals
2.Do you believe that the Bible was written by God?
3.Do you believe the Bible is error free and is always harmonious?
4.Why do you believe these things?
Because I can.
I am confused. Lets see:
Birthdays – bad
Piñatas – good
Wedding rings – good
Toasts (clinking of glasses) – bad
There may be more, I am just too confused to think straight.
The same logic is used to define each as either good or bad. What am I missing??
oh.... how the saga goes on!!
i swear we could write a novel about our life exiting the watchtower!!
ok..many of you read what happened..our house was egged and so was my sisters car that was parked here, and "frosty" was attacked!!
This is an unbelievable story. If you said it was 18 year old kids doing it, I would forgive and forget.
But, we are talking about 40 something adults committing a hate crime. This is totally unacceptable. I would under no circumstances let this be forgotten with a "I sorry it wont happen again."
it was about 15 years ago.......... i was at a one day special event in woodburn or.
i was talking to lyman swingle about how the society could save some money.
it was a crazy idea ( to crazy to relate here)...............anyway he laughed and said to me.. "brother..........we have always had the money to do the things we needed to do.......and if we didn't.......we felt it was god's holy spirit telling us, it wasn't what we should be doing".......so...i said "so the money is like a barometer, no approval, no money"......he said "yea..... i guess you could say that!
Brother..........We have always had the money to do the things we needed to do.......and if we didn't.......we felt it was God's holy spirit telling us, it wasn't what we should be doing".......
I heard that many times in the organization.
need a hero?
you couldn't do much better than this guy:.
http://www.nydailynews.com/news/local/story/485218p-408.... .
I read that article in this morning's NYT and was overwhelmed. An incredible hero!!
What would I do in the same situation. Nothing. It never would have occurred to me to get between the tracks. I did not know that was an option.
If I were to jump into the pit to save the man, I am certain that we both would be dead now.
i didn't see this anywhere here, so thought you might be amused by this story.. i was watching fox news this morning.
they had a quick story about ole pat robertson predicting a major terrorist strike in the us sometime after september of 2007. millions would be affected (he didn't specify killed or what, just affected...).
but the kicker was this:.
he made the prediction long enough into the future that it will be forgotten before he is held accountable.
best time 0.25 sec