Maybe satan has a little spelling problem. He confused JEWS with JWS.
JoinedPosts by NewYork44M
I did not know this
by TooBad TooSad inthe book study conducter said tuesday night, during coverage of the revelation book,.
that the real purpose of the holocaust was not to rid europe of the jews but rather satan .
was moving hitler to kill all of the j.w.'s..
I did not know this
by TooBad TooSad inthe book study conducter said tuesday night, during coverage of the revelation book,.
that the real purpose of the holocaust was not to rid europe of the jews but rather satan .
was moving hitler to kill all of the j.w.'s..
Holocaust was not to rid Europe of the Jews but rather Satan was moving Hitler to kill all of the J.W.'s.
I have heard this on more than one occasion. Also, the same thing was said about the events in Rawanda during the mid 90s.
New Anointed Not to be Judged
by Inkie inhey!
my wife just called me and informed me that in the may 1, 2007, watchtower question from readers on pages 30/31, states that any new anointed are not to be judged by the congregation and that they most likely were wrong in closing the anointed calling in 1935. yeah!.
does this mean that those who professed to be anointed and were kicked out for it will be welcomed back with open arms?
What happens when the number of partakers and those who died "faithful" add up to more than 144,000. Will they then say that the number is figurative and there are more than the specific number of 144K?
Are any of you aposates?
by KCM ini don't think i am an apostate, but do feel like one for being on these boards as we were always warned not to at the meetings etc.. i disagree with so many things they teach, the main thing is the blood issue....being a new auntie, i love my niece soooo much and if i were the only person that could save her, how on earth could i not?
i'd be blood guilty for not saving her!!!!!
that in my books, would be murder.. however, may be it's because i've only been away from the mtgs for a year, but i still think of it most days and although i feel i've made the right decision as nothing was making me happy in it, and obvioulsy my ex beating me and getting away with it.....i still feel a certain pull towards it and a kind of insane loyalty???.
Count me in as full 100% apostate. My apostasy is against: the Wt, religion, and anything else that disagrees with me.
see the movie "Dreamsgirls" you would get publically reproved
What is the reason they singled that move out? I am confused??
weird places for Watchtowers & Awakes
by defective light injust curious...... where are some weird places you have seen watchtowers and awakes placed?
doctors offices and laundermats seem to be most popular, where else have you seen them placed ?
( i saw a bunch placed in a dumpster once!
Stuck behind the pipes in a urinal at a public restroom.
In public telephone booths. That has been a while.
....There were some creative poineers in our area
Did you ever falsify your time?
by avidbiblereader inas a witness/pioneer, did you ever falsify or lie on your time card?.
I always used a rounding calculation. If I did less than five hours, I rounded to 5. If I did between 5 and 10 I rounded up to 10. If I did more than 10... oh wait, that never happened.
Placements were based upon a fairly complex formula of which I forget now. I always reported a family study, ALWAYS. Didn't always happen but always reported.
Mental condition of Jehovah's Witnesses, healthy or not ?
by Handsome Dan ini thought i'd open a discussion on the mental health condition of most practicing jws.
and get viewpoints on what kinds of mental health effects the wts.
may have for most of the people that are practicing witnesses.
So this bacons the questions does the WTS. in it's teachings cause mental instability in its followers.
An alternate question is,"does the teachings of the WT attract those that are already mentally instable?"
The Wt ministry by design is looking for those helpless souls who are "sighing and crying." These people have lost all hope in modern society.
The solution the society offers is to hang on for a few more years and the "new order" will solve all your problems.
For Lurkers: Is the cover of the March 15th Watchtower deceptive?
by seek2find inthe cover of this issue pictures a group of modern day people standing looking up as if looking to the sky and the title says something like "christ comming what does it mean to you?
" i think it's deceptive because witnesses teach that jesus already came in 1914. the article is talking about his comming to exucute the wicked and does not even mention 1914, but the photo and title on the cover would lead people to beleive that his comming is still in the future.
isn't this deceptive?
Witnesses believe in a coming of Christ. This "coming" occurs after his presence. Now figure that one out. If you do, let me know. I was never able to understand the logic in this belief.
Happy Chinese New Year!!
by NewYork44M inwho knew that today is the chinese new year?
and what are you going to do to celebrate?.
going to eat chinese tonight.. .
Who knew that today is the Chinese new year? and What are you going to do to celebrate?
Going to eat chinese tonight.