If the society was smart they would use the high gas prices to re-evaluate the whole door-to-door scam.
They could present a new model and do away with so much of the wasted effort that is now taking place.
with gas prices staying up, i wonder how that is going to affect the ministry.
i wonder if people are going to be more inclined to do more door to door, since that usually involves less driving around than calls do.
and if they are going to spend less time warming up or cooling down, since it takes gas to run the engine to heat the car or to run the air conditioner.
If the society was smart they would use the high gas prices to re-evaluate the whole door-to-door scam.
They could present a new model and do away with so much of the wasted effort that is now taking place.
apologies if this has been discussed elsewhere (i can't find any thread that mentions it).. letter read out at meeting on thursday confirming public talks to be reduced to 1/2 an hour - watchtower same length (one hour).
no new outlines to be given out (yet) , but brothers to reduce the length of their talks by cutting out non-essential material.
no start date given for the change.
yea, it has been about 40 years since they did away with the 15 minute break. Damn, I am getting old.
You are correct. A shorter meeting is a better meeting. Expecially since you are forced to go.
bethel was full of people, departments, assignments.
a growing corporation often.
has waste.
A general truth about life is EVERYTHING (and I mean EVERYTHING) is about money. That is neither a good thing nor a bad thing - it just is.
If some one tells you something is not about money, they are lying and you shoud run like hell.
the wt pretends they are not about money. But guess what, they are lying to you and me and possibly to themselves.
bethel was full of people, departments, assignments.
a growing corporation often.
has waste.
The wt is a business. The wt is run like a business. The goal of a business is to maximize profits. Thus, nothing is "off limits" when it comes time to cut expenses.
The formula that you describe is exactly what a business must follow to stay in business. Do you expect any different from the business identified as the wtbts??
apologies if this has been discussed elsewhere (i can't find any thread that mentions it).. letter read out at meeting on thursday confirming public talks to be reduced to 1/2 an hour - watchtower same length (one hour).
no new outlines to be given out (yet) , but brothers to reduce the length of their talks by cutting out non-essential material.
no start date given for the change.
The public meetings have been 2 hrs for my entire life.
You have not been around long. I remember when the public talk was one hour, there was a 15 minute break, and then a wt study that covered 30-35 paragraphs. Counting the break, the songs, prayer, and the chronic over-time wt study you were talking about a 3-hour commitment.
when i was watchtower witness and pioneer i recall how we used to abuse the hours at the field service.... getting up in the morning, and doing street work..after the street work going to the kindom hall for the field service, and the at the territory.
after finishing the territory continue some street work in order continue reporting the time.. so starting at 8.15 in the morning, then stop at 9.15 to drive to the kindom hall, and around 9.50 we were getting at the territory.
then after the 2 hours preaching(and usually 85%of the people were not home and the rest show no interest at all, and after 2 coffee brakes, finishing at 12.00. then going some street work at the center of the town until 1.00. so we used to report 5 hours!!!
A similar question: What would happen if pubs did not have to turn in time?
My guess is that the actual number of hours would drop of dramatically. However, the productivity of those remaining in field service would significantly increase. There really are those that enjoy field service, are productive, and are not driven by the clock.
So the real question is why it required that people turn in time. And the answer is: The act of turning in time and monitoriing activity is a very effective means of controlling the r&f.
The r&f know this. Which is why they find every means possible to extend their time. Not because the think it provides value, but because it effectively mitigates the coercive control of turning in time.
when i was watchtower witness and pioneer i recall how we used to abuse the hours at the field service.... getting up in the morning, and doing street work..after the street work going to the kindom hall for the field service, and the at the territory.
after finishing the territory continue some street work in order continue reporting the time.. so starting at 8.15 in the morning, then stop at 9.15 to drive to the kindom hall, and around 9.50 we were getting at the territory.
then after the 2 hours preaching(and usually 85%of the people were not home and the rest show no interest at all, and after 2 coffee brakes, finishing at 12.00. then going some street work at the center of the town until 1.00. so we used to report 5 hours!!!
This is a management theory that warns organizations to be careful what they measure. If they measure the wrong thing, the organization will ultimately focus on a goal that will not take the company where it needs to go.
This is the problem with the whole "keeping time" thing. Time becomes the goal. A whole culture within the wt has developed around "keeping time." When do we start our time? How can we keep our time goining during a break? You know all the technicalities surrounding "keeping time."
Turing in your "time" is very coercive. The R&F are measured and judged based upon "how much time" they put in service. Unfortunatally, keeping time has nothing to do with what is needed to be successful. This is clearly evident by each of our individual experiences and what we read on this board.
Keeping time is just hours, and has NOTHING to do with productivity. I hope they never figure this out. If they do, they might actually do something that becomes productive and briing in people. Until then, every one will be counting time.
just heard a report on the today show about this new community northwest edge of the everglades which is going to me all catholic.
doesn't rest well with the aclu.. here's a little bit about the place: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ave_maria,_florida.
It is a college/commune set up by the person who founded Domino's Pizza. He is a real catholic nut case.
i can confirm (as there seems to be some doubt) at the service meeting last night during the item about the new watchtower, a letter was read by the po.
the public talk is to be 30 minutes long.
this is to allow for more association and ministry.. lengthy negative introductions about the state of the system of things/deep last days etc are to be heavily curtailed.
The talk could be reduced even further to one in which the entire basic message could be memorized by the audience:
Good morning:
We are deeper than ever into the time of the end.
If you want to survive the impending Great Tribulation, obey us:
Go to all meetings and go door-to-door with me right now.
This is way too long. Here is the talk they should give:
Do what we say or die.
as you may or may not recall, the february '07 km (for the us) had a huge article, taking up the full 4 page insert, on the "blessings" of auxiliary pioneering.
the part covering that insert took up the entire service meeting (aside form the announcements).
the "encouragement" was that the us branch had set a goal of 160,000 auxiliary pioneers for the month of april ("if only one of every 6 publishers signs up, we can make it!")..
What these statistics dont tell you is the malaise that is embedded in those who sign up for aux pioneering.
I take public transportation and was aware of the annual memorial push for pioneers in April. At the train stop where I transfer I would always see - not one or two - but a group of pioneers milling around and talking to each other. No one has the mags prominently displayed and they seem to avoid the people passing through. I was only aware of who they were because I know their tricks.
The funny thing is that there is a new train only once every 20 minutes or so. If they have a group of 7 - 10 lollygagging around for several hours, they could count over a hundred hours in total and not make one presentation.