As you may or may not recall, the February '07 KM (for the US) had a huge article, taking up the full 4 page insert, on the "blessings" of auxiliary pioneering. The part covering that insert took up the entire Service Meeting (aside form the announcements). The "encouragement" was that the US branch had set a goal of 160,000 auxiliary pioneers for the month of April ("if only one of every 6 publishers signs up, we can make it!").
In the August KM the April field service report is included. The count of auxiliary pioneers in April for the US? Less than 130,000. They missed their goal by nearly 20%.
As a "punishment", the August KM contains an insert once againing extolling the "blessings" of being an auxiliary pioneer. This is the first time I can ever recall an August insert pushing auxiliary pioneering - that is typically saved for the winter months leading into spring. And of course nary a mention of that prominent goal of 160,000 from the February KM - they seem to be counting on the notoriously short memories of the publishers.
It used to be that when the Society said "jump", the publishers would say "how high?". Now it seems that enthusiasm is way down amongst the R&F.
There are anecdotes on this board about shrinking congregations, elders removed, etc., but by and large these are regional anomalies. As the US population shifts from the midwest & northeast to the south & west, some congregations will shrink while others grow. But these numbers from the August KM are, IMHO, quite telling. They point to a malaise that quite probably has alarmed the GB -- it is solid, numerical evidence that their ability to motivate the congregations is waning.
How about posters from other countries - UK, Canada, Australia, etc.? How close did the April service report come to hitting your auxiliary pioneer goal?