I disposed of everything little by little. I have a few books left, including the elder's "Flock" book with all my mid-1990 elder notes. Any bidders?
JoinedPosts by NewYork44M
How did you dispose of your JW books? (Or did you?)
by exwitless inlittle drummer boy and i have a small house and we do not have room for the wasted space all of these books are creating.
here's a brief rundown of what we have:.
several nwt hardcover bibles, chinese bibles (lots of chinese students in our town), insight on the scriptures, concordances, a few bound volumes, song books, km books, reasoning books, the entire bible on audio tape, and more.
How did your JC meeting affect your life?
by hopelesslystained inhere's my story: .
i had only one experience of being counseled by the elders, and it was in a tribunal thingy many years ago when i was 18 living at home with my 'presiding overseer' father.
my dad was overly upset imagining i was smoking pot!???
I have met the criteria as someone who should be the focus of a JC. However, I was never invited and I have no idea if I have been disfellowshipped.
Can you be difellowshipped without a meeting with a JC?
You Need To Give Credit To The Society For Your Education
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial; font-size: 18px; color: #0000cc; } .style2 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style3 {font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-style: italic; } --> you need to give credit to the society for your education.the watchtower and awake magazines have been helping individuals receive a g.e.d .
or high school diploma.
where did you learn the art of public speaking?
I give them partial credit for public speaking skills.
I give them a big fat Zero or even a big negative related to learning skills. I continued my education and completed an advanced degree. In the process I realized how horrible my comprehension skills were. I read the wt literature for years and never had to comprehend anything. It was just a matter of shoveling manure around. Same concept at meetings. You hear words, but are discuraged from actually critically processing these words.
Once I started taking education serious, I had to learn how, read and listen for comprehension. I had to think critically. None of these skills are taught by the society.
by esw1966 inisn't it 'nice' to finally get letters from home!?????.
this is the entire letter written to me by my sister:.
"do not continue sending emails to me or attempt to contact me or my family.".
Do not respond - PERIOD!.
Get on with your life. Your greatest revenge is to live a happy and successful life without them.
I know this has been said already. But I am writing to register my vote.
WT - 8/15/07 - We're making history
by Bonnie_Clyde inpage 26 - "those who will form the nucleus of the 'new earth,' a new earthly society of rightly disposed people are being gathered during these last days.
they are already nearly seven million strong, in at least 235 lands and in some 100,000 congregations.
these millions have been learning the righteous and just ways of jehovah, and as a result, worldwide they enjoy a unity that is cemented by christian love.
They are able to maintain their unity by getting rid of anyone who disagrees.
Funny. But not as funny as an earlier QFR you distributed.
Is the information the same at all assemblies?
by I quit! inthe anti-school rhetoric was very strong, stronger than i've seen it in a decade.
one particularly galling interview took place with this 19-year-old girl who went against her parents' wishes for her to go to college, spurning the money that they'd saved for her out of their want--they were not a rich family but scrimped and saved enough to send their daughter to school anyways, obviously foregoing pleasures and comforts for her.
she "prayed to jehovah for a month.
I always suspected that the only ones that deviated from assigned parts were D.O.s and some C.O.s. Some of the deviation may be from giving the same part so many times that the have to change a little, otherwise they will die of boredom. This may be more reflective of Circuit Assemblies as compared to District conventions.
As a general rule, elders that are assigned parts are there because they can be counted on to toe the company line.
I don't have any stories to tell that sound shocking. But I can confirm that drinking and the wt go hand in hand. We were sort of but not quite part of a cliche in a congregation in SW Florida. The cliche included several elders. There was a lot of drinking. I don't recall any incidents. However, an outsider could not distinguish these parties from any so-called "worldly" parties.
My drinking has dropped of substantially since leaving the org. I no longer have the need to "dull the senses."
Closing prayers at JW conventions
by TD ini've often thought that the closing prayer at jw conventions is a study in psychology in and of itself.. consider the typical scenario.
it's 4:30pm on a sunday afternoon.
people are tired and hungry.
I had an uncle who was an old-time elder. He would give the longest prayers that ended up as talks. When he would start to use the name "jehober" in the third person, you knew you were in for a long one.
For the old timers
by ShirleyW inway, way back in 1962, when i was four years old and my family relocated from harlem to queens, ny, our tuesday night book study, as it used to be called way back when almost universally in jw land, was conducted by a woman !!
please don't think i don't remember correctly because of my young age at the time, but the sis.
who conducted it is still alive, and i practically know her whole family.
I don't remember any sisters conducting book studies. BTW, how could you ever conduct a bookstudy without a penis.
I just don't understand??
However, I remember sisters carrying the microphone. This had to be in the early 60's. But that makes sense; the microphone is a phallic symbol and should appropriately be carried by a female.