How did you dispose of your JW books? (Or did you?)

by exwitless 46 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • exwitless

    Little Drummer Boy and I have a small house and we DO NOT have room for the wasted space all of these books are creating. Here's a brief rundown of what we have:

    Several NWT hardcover Bibles, Chinese bibles (lots of Chinese students in our town), Insight on the scriptures, concordances, a few bound volumes, song books, KM books, reasoning books, the entire bible on audio tape, and more.

    Did you just throw them in the trash? Burn them? Use them for target practice?

    Does anyone need anything we have?

  • slimboyfat

    I sold mine on ebay. How do you think I paid for the mansion?

    Seriously, I would suggest the tapes are worth selling and the rest throwing away. Older KMs may be worth selling too, if you have complete sets for certain years.

    If you have a '69 Interlinear I would hold on to that too. Some are selling for over $90 at the moment on ebay. The updated one is worth a couple of bob too.

    Concordances and Insight books can sometimes go for reasonable money, but you have to be careful as the postage is quite a lot for those heavy items.


  • bluebell

    Can you recycle them? Rip/Hack/saw the hard covers off and stick the rest in the recycle bin?

    I recycled all my w/t and awakes and kms and gav all the hard bound books to my mom. she now has both my bros and mine. shame really. i did ask for my bible back so i could compare it to some stuff on the web but i havent got it back yet :)

  • Junction-Guy

    I am still looking for that kingdom ministry back in late 2005 that tells the JW's how to donate money to Brooklyn for disaster relief, do you have that one? i believe it was either october or november.

  • Reefton Jack
    Reefton Jack

    Rather swiftly - with a liberal supply of kerosene, plus a couple of matches.

    In some ways now, it might be useful to still have some of those books on hand.
    However, it felt bloody good at the time to put the lot to the torch:
    - you could almost say that it was therapeutic!


  • Junction-Guy

    If you ever plan to attend an apostafest, they come in real handy. I burned several WT magazines on the BBQ grill last summer at the Detroit Apostafest.

  • Hortensia

    I had all my goody two shoes well-annotated bibles, and books, and bible dictionaries, and all that crap as well as watchtwoer and awake annuals going back many years. I donated them all to a church thrift store and have no idea what they did with them. A couple of JWs, back in the day when they were still speaking to me because they had no idea what I was getting up to, asked me what I did with my books. I had a great deal of fun telling them I donated them to a church thrift store. Ha ha ha!

  • Gregor

    On one cold, foggy day in late November, I sat on the floor in front of a blazing fire of seasoned oak. I had a lovely glass of Scotch and soda on the hearth on my right. On my left were several stacks of little books in various colors, dark blue "Truth" books, red "Babylon" books, coral pink "Paradise" books, reddish brown "Let God Be True" books, pale yellow "What Has Religion Done for Mankind?" books...etc. I discovered that if you toss a closed book on a roaring fire it takes forever to be consumed and leaves a charred center of unburnt 'new light'. However, if you carefully place the book, fanned, open side down on the fire it burns completely and provides a nice show of color as the chemicals in the cover combust. It still took quite awhile, but I had plenty of Scotch and didn't mind at all.

  • Alwayshere

    Sold a lot on e-bay, the rest I threw in the trash.

  • Alwayshere

    Sold a lot on e-bay, the rest I threw in the trash.

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