Hi ashi,
I wouldn't say I HATE the WTS, but I will say I strongly disagree with some of their teachings.
One of the main teachings I have a problem with is their claim to be Gods visable Orginization on earth.
Even with all the blunders the WTS has made over the years, they still have the gall to tell the r&f JWs that they (the WTS) are the ones God is using to spread His truths.
And if the r&f JW doesn't obey without question.................
well you know what the WTS says............
Watchtower ,Aug 1st 1981 say
Your attitude toward the wheat like anointed "brothers"of Christ will be the determining factor as to whether you go into "everlasting cutting off"or to receive "Everlasting life ( Math 25:34-36
Watchtower,July 15th 1991 says
these anointed Christians are ambassadors for Christ, SUBSTITUTING for Christ.
Thanks to mouthy for posting these quotes.
See mouthy, your research was worth it.