Its funny. No group is more interested in finding evidence than the Jews themselves. Jewish archaeologist have been searching for the smallest shred of evidence for many decades, with NO results. You can't find evidence of something that didn't happen.
Anyway - you don't need to look for jewish footprints in the sand actually.
I have mentioned this before. What happened that lead to their leaving?
1. The world superpower (egypt) just lost all of it's first borns.
2. Then millions of its slaves (the ones responsible for all food production, building, all work really) just up and left.
3. Then the ENTIRE Egyptian army is killed at once.
4. The Pharaoh is also killed.
All of this happens, and somehow the surrounding nations decide to cut Egypt some slack and don't go in and take it over, or at least steal all their gold and women? Really?
Not one nation mentions this grand catastrophe in their history?
The next Pharaoh doesn't talk about how he restored the country to greatness? (by the way history does not show any lull during that time.
How long would it take for Egypt to overcome the loss of all their 1st borns (what knowledge skills and breading power would they lose with that).
How long would it take to recover from losing your ENTIRE Army and ALL your war implements?
Looking for Jewish footprints from the exodus is a trivial thing compared to the missing mountain of evidence about the fall of Egypt.