Cofty how tiring is it to have to go over this stuff like every day.
Posts by ttdtt
The problem of sex (or why I'm not an atheist)
by EdenOne inas i write this under the shadow of the walls of saint jorge's castle in lisbon, two very bored jws are standing just five metres away from me with a literature cart .... in my journey away from jwism i accepted evolution as a fact.
i also became anti-religion, agnostic and apatheist.
and, while i lean towards the persuasion of the atheist arguments, there are a few reasons that make it difficult for me to completely discard the notion of an intelligent origin of life.
The problem of sex (or why I'm not an atheist)
by EdenOne inas i write this under the shadow of the walls of saint jorge's castle in lisbon, two very bored jws are standing just five metres away from me with a literature cart .... in my journey away from jwism i accepted evolution as a fact.
i also became anti-religion, agnostic and apatheist.
and, while i lean towards the persuasion of the atheist arguments, there are a few reasons that make it difficult for me to completely discard the notion of an intelligent origin of life.
One of such reasons is the problem of sexual reproduction and the inability of evolution theory to provide a satisfactory explanation for its existence.
This sentence is only valid if you have not seriously studied evolution.
"If the Earth were just a little bit further from or closer to the Sun, we would all freeze or burn"
by Island Man ini'm sure we've all heard this argument by theists employing the fine-tuning argument.
are you aware, however, of exactly how much this "little bit" really is?
theists would have us think that the slightest change in the distance would have drastic implications for survivability.
One of my favorite lines that has been in many talks by "brothers" and COs and at assemblies is...
Wherever science has looked - they have not found a planet like the earth.
Gee - that like going to the beach - taking a teaspoon out - getting a spoonful of water - looking at it - and saying - Well there are not whales in this ocean.
As if there was a exhaustive study of all the planets in the universe to find out.
So now that we are discovering planets by the bag full every week - and we are starting to find earth like candidates - will this erroneous line stop being repeated over and over?
NO. -
"If the Earth were just a little bit further from or closer to the Sun, we would all freeze or burn"
by Island Man ini'm sure we've all heard this argument by theists employing the fine-tuning argument.
are you aware, however, of exactly how much this "little bit" really is?
theists would have us think that the slightest change in the distance would have drastic implications for survivability.
OMG!!! One of my biggest pet peeves ever!
I gave a great creation talk to dispel stupid idiot statements like that for 2 decades.
I worked in into every appropriate part or comment I could.MADE NO DIFFERENCE.
Like - that there was no rain before the flood (even though genesis talks about rivers in eden)
Or - we use 10% of our brain. Yea? Let me remove a little bit of yours - you pick what part.
Or - that the Big Bang is part of the theory of Evolution. For once god sakes - read a book!
And countless others that had nothing to do with dogma - just common sense!
After 2 decades of trying and trying - with great reception to my talks and parts - people still fell back to these stupid ideas. (if jws voted they would all vote for trump)
I maxed out what you could do as an elder from a public speaking roll - and I still didnt move the needle when it came to JW stupidity.
Ron White is right when he says - "you can't fix stupid"
Duh - Jesus runs the org - isnt it obvious?
Why A Divine Being is Possible
by looter innow we all have heard how the universe is composed of matter and space.
and we always here of how it had a beginning.
but really what could have begun it?
Half Banana - dude everyone knows only Moons can be made ouf of cheese - duh.
Why A Divine Being is Possible
by looter innow we all have heard how the universe is composed of matter and space.
and we always here of how it had a beginning.
but really what could have begun it?
I'm so over just doing what most scientist do, that is blaming it on dust and gravity.
Scientist dont blame it on dust and gravity, and saying that shows a lack of understanding of what science has found on the matter.
Chemists have been searching for the true cause of the universe
Chemists study and practice chemistry - not cosmological origins, you would be an astronomer or theoretical or particle physicist if you were studying the origin of the universe.
But if there was a divine being or entity such as God who had a plan and direction, the universe and the earth wouldn't be as perplexing as it is.
Maybe but that would throw all the "perplexity" on god. Who created god? Why are not the questions that bug you about the universe not bug you about god?
p.s. - Roll a million dice - look at the number - the odds of coming up with that number is astronomical - but it happened anyway.
David Splane on the "older members" of the GB
by Richard_I inin the august broadcast, david splane is shown in a morning worship video.
i just wanted to focus on the end of the video, were he has this to say:.
the governing body loves to get together and discuss the bible.
I think its funny to have to mention that the "Faithful Slave' liked to - you know - read the bible and discuss it and like it.
Does he think that the R&F dont think they GB reads it?
Like Mickey Mantle saying - you know I just like hitting playing baseball. -
The Governing Body - your thoughts?
by pale.emperor inim no medical professional, but i have my own opinions of the gb members.
i'd be interested to get yours.. no jokes please, im gonna be 100% serious and would like you to be too.. anthony morris iii - narcissist, controlling, possibly psychopath.
knows full well it's all bullshit but loves the power.. stephen lett - mentally ill, fantasist, liar who genuinely believes the lies he tells.. samuel hird - deluded, likely actually believes he actually is anointed by god.
Seriously I think Anthony Morris III suffers from PTSD from his experience in Vietnam.
It has obviously gone untreated.
How delusional is Tony Morris actually?
by Festus inanthony morris iii was representing gb in international convention in helsinki, finland.
in his final talk he mentioned that at the fight of armageddon jesus will fight together with the 144 000. he then reminds the audience that one angel destroyed 185000 assyrians.
so what are "144 000 immortal creatures together with jesus going to do".
I actually believe the JW's are looking forward to the birds pecking out the deads eyes. I really think they get off on this stuff. Who does that?
Yea but they always forget that their own loved ones will be part of those getting murdered.