Posts by ttdtt

  • Nicholaus Kopernicus

    WT Study - 28th Aug 2016 - “Do Not Let the Faults of Others Stumble You”

    by Nicholaus Kopernicus in
    1. watchtower
    2. bible

    in paragraph 2 of this study, the gbojw evidences once again that they are sticking to the absurd 1914 doctrine – “when the last days of the present system began...”.

    i noted that as 2014 approached, the gbojw became somewhat reticent about making reference to revelation 12:12 – the “short period of time” scripture.

    so this study is the first one in a long time in which both the 1914 doctrine and revelation 12:12 are mentioned in the same study.

    1. Half banana
    2. ttdtt
    3. ttdtt
  • ttdtt
    b) Validate the experiences and thoughts of other victims

    It has been very helpful since the opposite is what you get at the "Only True Religion" aka the "Christian Congregation of JWs"

  • shadow

    Evolution Gap - Where's the Fur?

    by shadow in
    1. watchtower
    2. bible

    evolution paints human ancestors covered with fur.

    fur has several benefits as stated by britannica "the pelts of fur-bearing animals are called true furs when they consist of two elements: a dense undercoat, called ground hair, and longer hairs, extending beyond that layer, called guard hair.

    the principal function of ground hair is to maintain the animal’s body temperature; that of guard hair is to protect the underlying fur and skin and to shed rain or snow.".

    1. Ruby456
    2. Caedes
    3. Vidiot
  • ttdtt

    Dude you have the same number of hair follicles per square inch as chimps.

    Read a book.

  • Nicholaus Kopernicus

    WT Study - 28th Aug 2016 - “Do Not Let the Faults of Others Stumble You”

    by Nicholaus Kopernicus in
    1. watchtower
    2. bible

    in paragraph 2 of this study, the gbojw evidences once again that they are sticking to the absurd 1914 doctrine – “when the last days of the present system began...”.

    i noted that as 2014 approached, the gbojw became somewhat reticent about making reference to revelation 12:12 – the “short period of time” scripture.

    so this study is the first one in a long time in which both the 1914 doctrine and revelation 12:12 are mentioned in the same study.

    1. Half banana
    2. ttdtt
    3. ttdtt
  • ttdtt
    " Don't let the faults of others stumble you "

    This again is their way to have no accountability for wrongs done.

    NOTHING can happen to you that would be a just cause to stop associating or to take action against the org or brothers.

    It's always about Blaming the Victim.

    So when JWs read this kind of message - they can reason - "well what I did to so and so doesn't matter, they should still come to the meetings, see I was right, there was something wrong with him."

    So real christian scriptures like - Matt 5:24 leave your gift there in front of the altar, and go away. First make your peace with your brother, and then come back and offer your gift.

    or Mark 9:42 But whoever stumbles one of these little ones who have faith, it would be better for him if a millstone that is turned by a donkey were put around his neck and he were pitched into the sea.

    - are ignored and have no place in JWLand.

    Any semblance of christianity that JWs had - has been completely eliminated.

  • Londo111

    JW marriages: “They” looked good on paper.

    by Londo111 in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    i applaud anyone, male or female, who overcomes shallowness and looks at a person’s deeper qualities, especially in regard dating and marriage.

    the movie and fashion industry does much to institute shallowness to the point that, in my opinion, it promotes outright discrimination and judgmentalism even as they give lip service to tolerance..

    on the other hand, among jehovah’s witnesses, there seem to be a preponderance of incompatible marriages.

    1. dubstepped
    2. Ucantnome
    3. Londo111
  • ttdtt

    Having been an elder for 2 decades - I had lots of opportunities to interact with couples in my congregation as an elder.
    I have to say - overall there is a high percentage of bad and mismatched marriages in JW land.
    There are many obvious reasons.

    One thing that doesn't get talked about is the Negative side of taking divorce off the table for "spiritual couples" who are in what really turns out to be a Bad marriage.

    When the threat of divorce is gone - there is LESS reason to compromise and make things work.
    I have seen many times in troubled marriages the attitude "well I am not gonna change cuz he or she can't leave me".
    Also the stupid thinking that the end is soon - and my wife/husband will be perfect then.

    When couples in the real world know the other person may leave if they don't work on the marriage - it can provide a motivation to not just sweep things under the table and not deal with them till there is just disaster - or live a miserable life because god wants you to.

    All I can say is that - the divorce rate in my hall was higher than the national average (which by the way is not 50%) - and there really were only a handful of good marriages at best. Even then often they were because the wife accepted herself as the LESSER one to her husband and just did whatever he said.

  • pleaseresearch

    Generation expiry date?

    by pleaseresearch in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    how long will it take for a jw to see that even the overlapping generation is wrong?.

    the org waited and waited to see if their interpretation of it came true.

    those alive in 1914 would still be alive obviously it didn't and jws have to believe in an overlapping generation.

    1. pale.emperor
    2. prologos
    3. Vidiot
  • ttdtt

    Boy the Millennial Reign is really getting cut into - Jesus will have less than 900 years to make Bears and Lions happy to play with Kids - and have man Cultivate to perfection places like Yosemite and Yellowstone, they are so crappy looking now - you know - being uncultivated by man.

    Hope they plant miles of daisies, or make it look like Warwick!

    p.s. we dont live with a date in mind :)

  • Cold Steel

    Paranormal Warning

    by Cold Steel in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    i've heard some weird stories coming from jws about the paranormal.

    i know about the warnings about items that come from unbelievers -- those don't interest me as much.

    what i am interested in are actual experiences in stories of the paranormal you've heard or experienced yourself.

    1. ttdtt
    2. William Penwell
    3. William Penwell
  • ttdtt

    I had a friend who told me about a demonic experience.

    Without going into many details - at night demons were "apparently looking for something to eat". (ha ha)

    Well in their kitchen the cabinet doors would open can close open and slam over and over.
    This went on for some period of time until they found the demonized item
    ( I think they got it at a garage sale [typical in these stories] ) then all was well.

    My question was - why the hell didnt you run out of that house and not come back?
    Why would you continue to stay there if that was happening?
    They had plenty of family to stay with - and there are these things called Hotels and Motels?

    Even when I was a believer - I didnt go for that crap because it made no sense.
    If that happened in my house - i would RUN! not be part of some B-Horror movie where the idiot just cant get enough of a warning to not leave the house:)

  • Esse quam videri

    Dec 2016 study edition 'Setting your mind on the spirit.' WTF?

    by Esse quam videri in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    so the study article 'setting your mind on the spirit means life and peace.

    ' at paragraph 9 a little pictorial lecture for anyone setting their minds on the flesh.

    brother fleshly minded talking about having a sailboat.

    1. Mephis
    2. BluesBrother
    3. Half banana
  • ttdtt

    Dont you all know that Sailboats are the Devils work!

    If man was meant to sail - he would have been given a Mast a-mid-ships that would be able to go up and down at will!

    Oh wait...

  • Disassociated Lady 2

    Happiness and Freedom On A Paradise Earth?

    by Disassociated Lady 2 in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    at a recent meeting there was a watchtower article about life in paradise.

    they were saying that even when witnesses finally get there they will still be under the strict instructions from the elders and gb.

    they may be given jobs that they will find unpleasant, also the preaching work will be ongoing because of all the resurrected people who need to learn about why they are given another chance.

    1. Vidiot
    2. redvip2000
    3. Vidiot
  • ttdtt

    Funny how we always looked down at people who believe in Heaven because they make heaven to be just like earth but nicer - well gee sounds like paradise will be just like earth but not much nicer:)

  • EdenOne

    The problem of sex (or why I'm not an atheist)

    by EdenOne in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    as i write this under the shadow of the walls of saint jorge's castle in lisbon, two very bored jws are standing just five metres away from me with a literature cart .... in my journey away from jwism i accepted evolution as a fact.

    i also became anti-religion, agnostic and apatheist.

    and, while i lean towards the persuasion of the atheist arguments, there are a few reasons that make it difficult for me to completely discard the notion of an intelligent origin of life.

    1. snare&racket
    2. EdenOne
    3. cofty
  • ttdtt

    Cofty how tiring is it to have to go over this stuff like every day.