FYI - Asian cultures always take shoes off when entering a home.
I am not asian and I do as well.
the video drama shown at the recent comvention was called "the wife of lot".
i noticed some stuble lessons being taught in this soap opera style video.... firstly, all the bad influence comes from women, its the wife and the mother in law whose pushing for more money and a better lifestyle.
while the men remain loyal to god, can't show the men going astray now can we?.
FYI - Asian cultures always take shoes off when entering a home.
I am not asian and I do as well.
regarding the recent 1975 video at the convention it hit me !.
when reasoning with people about the inspiration of the bible we used the bible writers candor ie/ there honesty when recording bible accounts about there personal mistakes .. how come the governing body despite its claims to be spirit directed are not honest about there mistakes ?.
How often do they talk about how one of the Proofs that the bible is from god is that his servants in it always talk honestly about their mistakes, like moses and david... happen to jesus skull, did it travel to heaven???
search skull of mary magdalene/ cult of weird....also a piece of mary's skin is also on display, a piece of her skin was still attach to her skull and this is where jesus touched mary (nearly 2000 years ago)....
This is so stupid.
I am gonna go look for Sasquatch and Nessy next.
well i have to give credit where credit is due.
it was the part of today's symposium - build a house that will endure.
the part i was most impressed with was 'safeguard your children from "what is evil".
How about that the threat can come from INSIDE the congregation - because Elders so SHIT to prevent it!
this was brought up in another thread, but i thought it should have its own thread.
feel free to add your own observations and experience.
the jws are so duplicit, and they rename things to somehow justify their own irrationalities.
How about -
Its not a Cult - its True Religion.
after studying hubble space telescope images of the night's sky and attending classes under disguise at wor-wic community college (air travel and tuition funded by your donations no less), gerrit losch managed to secure a two-thirds majority vote among the governing body to release a second updated edition of the creator book.
this new edition replaces the "pillars of creation" (eagle nebula) cover photo with "god's birdie" (carina nebula):.
they've also had a change of heart with regards the concept of intellectual honesty and have updated the quote on page 9 that said:.
Jaydee - did Ms. Read show you her black hole?
any book that claims to be god’s word should have the minimum qualification of clarity.
if any of its verses are open to many interpretations, it cannot be god’s word.
god can easily be crystal clear as traffic police who puts traffic signals (red means stop, green means start …etc.
I think it conveys that the bible is a piece of crap that has destroyed billions of lives.
How about a Masters in how to make people live "Double Lives" because your rules are so stupid that people cant follow them but dont want to be out in the open about it.
wt february 2017 par.12, p.26:.
" the governing body is neither inspired nor infallible.
therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction.
The OBVIOUS follow up questions for any JW after that paragraph is:
"Ok, so why should I listen to you about bible doctrine?"
"If you make mistakes, should you enforce strict rules that you can't be sure are right?"
"Why do you make laws about matters of sex, marriage, health, clothing... that should be up to the individual?"
"Do you have the right to kick people out of the organization because they do not follow your instructions, though you have made many many changes (been wrong) of the decades, and now say that god doesn't talk to you?"
march 22, 2017 to all convention committees re: discontinuation of physical distribution of convention releases.
Dear Brothers,
We will need to stop the physical distribution of books at Conventions so as to make sure sufficient funds are available to pay high priced NYC lawyers to protect our asses from the tide of law suites we feel are coming our way.
Your brothers,
bla bla bla
P.S. dont forget to remind the friends to keep sending us money!