HMMM Could it be that Pigs were UNCLEAN!
Could it be... Satan!
why did jesus supposedly cast the demons into a herd of pigs?.
(matt 8 / luke 8).
and, how were there so many demons inside one man, that when "released" by jesus, it took a whole pack of pigs to contain them??.
HMMM Could it be that Pigs were UNCLEAN!
Could it be... Satan!
IF GOD IS BEYOND THE REACH OF SCIENCE - and the scientific methods...
Then HOW possibly could he INTERACT with ANYTHING in the Universe.
If he can INTERACT in any way with anything in the universe - then he would be detectable by science.
Unless of course, he was like a leprechaun! Then my argument crumbles.
i've picked up from several replies to posts here that the org has stopped using the term "worldly" as it applies to people.
this must have happened after i left.
would someone be so kind as to explain the "rationale" behind this shift?
I still heard it all the time - from everyone.
i never understood why many jehovah’s witnesses will say “the friends”.
it seems so mormon like..
Would the Brethren be better?
just had a jw freak out over some magic 8 balls that i have.
next thing you know i turn my head and it was thrown into a box to get rid of it.
is it because it has the word magic in it?
just had a jw freak out over some magic 8 balls that i have.
next thing you know i turn my head and it was thrown into a box to get rid of it.
is it because it has the word magic in it?
By the way - were not all the Miracles performed by Jesus, Moses, and the others "Magic"?
hiya peeps.
in my comedy routine i am keen to add some audio of the worst things jws have said in talks.
tight pants tony.
The MILLION times brothers say it didn't rain before the flood.
where they stand is a strange mixture.
yes, they don't agree with abortion and homosexuality, they believe in the bible and wear skirts and ties to church .
but in many ways they're liberal.
VERY Conservative.
If you meet a liberal JW - they are awake, or about to be.
though the trunk, branches and even most of the leaves of the bible tree make no sense, there are some leaves here and there which are like gems of high value, such as:.
1) “an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth” often mistaken as the law of retaliation is actually a beautiful foundation of a perfect judicial system because behind the details the essence is that any loss caused should perfectly and proportionately be compensated.
original writing of this law and its context are not relevant because jesus described them as those being orally transmitted (which makes random additions possible), not written (mathew 5:38-42).
its all bullshit
what a breath a fresh air to be free of watchtower.
now i can finally rant about the things i put up with that i'd never put up with now.. in no particular order:.
little kids in suits.
Having to listen to speakers who were hacks, who could not use simple English properly, but thought they were JKF and MLK wrapped up in one.