I saw a Leprechaun yesterday!
Lets talk about how Unicorns are real!
its great to see new subject matter being injected into the room of late and would be good to see others contribute by opening new threads on their favorite topics.heres a few examples.9/11.
atom bombs are they real?
with christmas gorby had a good talk with his jw father about “time tends to fly” and how everything changes.. he concluded: “if our grandparents would visit the kingdom hall now, they would headshaking left the building and never returned.”.
it says something, does it?.
hi can anyone tell me if it's true the society says parents must take their child to meetings until they're 16 even if they don't want to?
my ex is being a pain about me not forcing my 12 year old to be a witness.
he doesn't know i'm becoming inactive at moment so i have to be careful how i word things to him.
incognito - I was an elder for 20 years, there is no written rule about that in the USA.
Parents have the responsibility to "train up their children," and obviously there is massive pressure for early baptism. But there is no edict that a parent MUST bring kids to the KH until they are 16.
according to the 11/2017 study watchtower.......apparently not.
is it really true that one can be happy without religion?
certainly an individual can be happy without false religion, but a person cannot be truly happy unless he has a relationship with jehovah, who is described as “the happy god.” (1 tim.
one of the most memorable, and beautiful, cinematic conclusions .
.. and beginnings?.
hi can anyone tell me if it's true the society says parents must take their child to meetings until they're 16 even if they don't want to?
my ex is being a pain about me not forcing my 12 year old to be a witness.
he doesn't know i'm becoming inactive at moment so i have to be careful how i word things to him.
i was just lying here thinking about mind control and thought it'd write a list just to see how much the wts does try to control every aspect of people's lives.
some of the things i've come up with are:.
one of the most memorable, and beautiful, cinematic conclusions .
.. and beginnings?.
my brother has been talking about the earth being flat and some big conspiracy going on to make people beieve otherwise.
what are people's thoughts on this?.
_Morpheus - there are some topics and some people that you must just call out as Morons and not worth talking to.
Giving any credence to Flat earthers or Faked moonshot is like opening up a discourse on if Leprechauns are real, and if they can help us find a pot of gold.
I think this is just the work of Trolls who are giggling at it all.
david splane explains newest understanding" of 'this generation" adding a 3rd group.... .
Ok so this is a joke - BUT!!!
In the real video - 2 times Splain says...
That if you are Anointed but it was AFTER the 1st (Franze) group that died (so not overlapping) - You would be Anointed, but not part of those who would NOT PASS AWAY.
So what does that mean?
Why would he entertain people being Anointed but not part of the "not pass away," group?
Are they actually leaving room for another group? Possible because so many are feeling the spirit these days?