freemindfade - what is easy to point out though is that he got elected on Fake promises and outright lies.
Remember he started his whole campaign on evidence that Obama was born in Kenya and was some kind of Manchurian candidate. "I have people that have been studying [Obama's birth certificate] and they cannot believe what they're finding"
His hundreds of lies are demonstrable, and unlike anything, we have ever seen in politics, which is saying something.
And when he actualy does what he says, it is often bad for America.
Like making it ok for Coal (a dead industry) to pollute waterways and the air, and at the same time is killing America's solar production future with his Tariffs, hamstringing a burgeoning industry employing 10x what coal does, and is feeding into construction and sales across the country. China will now have a permanent lock on that industry.
“We want clean air, we want clean water” He campaigned on, but is gutting the EPA.
I do marketing work for a semiconductor company in my state that makes diodes and cascades used in solar, and they are freaking out! By the way, the owner and president of the company was a lifelong Republican, and he just switched parties to independent because of Trump.
I know a GOP player who now runs a company in PA - she was in the Reagan transition and worked for Senator Heinz as well. She is ashamed of her party. By the way she admitted to me that the tax savings the company will get are going straight into offshoring part of the manufacturing to Mexico, not into the employee's pockets.
Many real republicans know he is a cancer to the party and the country.
Eliot Cohen, Rory Cooper, Michael Steel, David Frum, Peggy Noonan, Naill Ferguson, Jeff Flake, Rich Galen, Bill Kristol, Tim Miller, Grover fucking Norquist, Heater Richardson, Andy Roth, Karl Rove, Matt Schlapp, Chuck Sykes, Tom Tancredo, Rick Tyler, Bob Plaats. The list goes on. These are grownups that understand what is really happening.
This is not a Right v Left thing. You can have opinions and disagreements about policy. I did with GW, but I never thought he was out to destroy the country for his own selfish purpose. Trump is different, and he is fucking his base up the ass with their pants on, and they don't know it yet.
And by the way - all the people he HATES that are investigating him are ones HE appointed as "the best people". or are lifelong Republicans.