You are so right still.
Since those years I've noticed that there are fewer and fewer heartfelt talks.
Lots of reasons contribute to that. Little or no training on public speaking (fyi the TM school was never a good tool for that), fewer opportunities for brothers to actually get better at it if they have that inclination. NO incentive to do so. And really suppression from all the higher ups on just regurgitating crap.
To get to the point where you can do it (public talks are probably the only place left) you have to build up some street cred first. You have to get to be someone that will not be easily questioned if you go off track.
But in reality - the days of good loving and smart brothers who really worked at being good public speakers that gave valuable info and encouragement are OVER.
I got out just as the heyday for that ended.
As an elder, after years of hard work, and personal expense for extensive training, I hit the pinnacle of what elders could accomplish with public speaking. (Not bragging cuz I REGRET everything I did).
It all started to come apart as the GB took more power over everything said.
Few, very few brothers do more than vomit out the crap handed to them now.