Posts by ttdtt
Reasons for Stagnation in Growth. AKA YearBook Numbers!
by ttdtt inso why has the growth flatlined?
why is less time spent in the ministry?
why have aux pios droped by 1/3rd?.
Thinking about disassociating yourself - STOP! least for a moment
by rory-ks in(this recent forum post about a letter of disassociation encouraged me to post this new topic.
it's been sitting in my drafts folder for a little while, but now is as good a time as any.).
my suggestion would be, try not to go down the route of disassociation.
Really beautiful Watchtower article about truth
by Anders Andersen inthis is the singlemost best watchtower article i have ever read.. it almost brought tears to my eyes (please note the almost ;-)).
"what is truth?
"this question is one which every sincere christian should ask and seek to answer.
Anders, GOOD ONE!
Reminds me of this
At this the serpent said to the woman: “You certainly will not die.+ 5 For God knows that in the very day you eat from it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and bad.”+
Jehovah God then said: “Here the man has become like one of us in knowing good and bad.+ Now in order that he may not put his hand out and take fruit also from the tree of life+and eat and live forever,*—” 23 With that Jehovah God expelled him from the garden of Eʹden
So who told the lie?
Link +4 / -0 -
Predictions for 2016
by LevelThePlayingField inso, it's that time of year again.
here's a few of my predictions.
) no armageddon.
skin2 hours ago
And: Public talks will someday be all the same talk that is video fed over the KH video systems. No need to find a local speaker to do these talks each week.
I said this as soon as the TMS was killed in favor of more demonstrations impersonating as a school.
There is currently NO forum for a young brother, Ministerial Servant, or Elder to be trained, or to improve the skills needed to be a Public Speaker. This has been eroded away over the last 10 years, one by one getting rid of those needed opportunities to do one of the hardest things on earth, teach and motivate people through oratory.
Public talks have often been boring or bad, but now the are almost always ATROCIOUS. There is no accountability, and people keep patting brothers on the back saying "good job" who vomit on the stage, or lay a giant turd.
It wont be long before we have our Public talk presented as a video from JWB. Cant wait to hear Tony give a talk on human hotdogs at HARM-A-GEDON
Blood Cards on File with the Elders?
by EyesOpenHeartBroken ini have a question for elders here or recent elders.
were the elders, in the last 10 years, given instruction to keep a copy of every publishers blood card on file at the kh?.
we moved to our current cong 6 years ago, and shortly after we moved in, the boe requested everyone update and give a copy of card to the kh.
Reasons for Stagnation in Growth. AKA YearBook Numbers!
by ttdtt inso why has the growth flatlined?
why is less time spent in the ministry?
why have aux pios droped by 1/3rd?.
Reasons for Stagnation in Growth. AKA YearBook Numbers!
by ttdtt inso why has the growth flatlined?
why is less time spent in the ministry?
why have aux pios droped by 1/3rd?.
Scriptures that will never be the YEAR TEXT
by ttdtt inso what scriptures do you think will never make the cut?i will start off with one to warm you all up.. 1 corinthians 4:6 - do not go beyond the things that are written,.
Reasons for Stagnation in Growth. AKA YearBook Numbers!
by ttdtt inso why has the growth flatlined?
why is less time spent in the ministry?
why have aux pios droped by 1/3rd?.
A few years ago I have a mid week talk and I mentioned the decline in baptisms since the peak in the 90s, and how much more time it takes to make 1 convert from service. I was just going over the yearbook stats to show the situation and the importance of being a real teacher. OMG people were stunned. Its really like they are drones, they were not even aware of the stats in the yearbook that they all love so much.Link +4 / -0 -
New Word Coined In April 2016 WT!
by Naoscillator inand the word is... .
here it is in context, just in case you're curious about how to use this new word.. article: being faithful leads to god's approval.